How to Make a Delicious Crock Pot Peach Cobbler in Easy Steps


A few simple items are required to prepare a crock pot peach cobbler. Begin by gathering 4 cups of sliced peaches that are ripe and juicy. This will ensure that your cobbler has a blast of natural sweetness. You will also need 1 cup of granulated sugar to enhance the flavor of the peaches and offset their acidity.

1 tablespoon lemon juice is added to the cobbler to give acidity and brightness. This ingredient will enhance the peaches and keep them from browning during cooking.

Let’s go to the dough now. Combine 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and a sprinkle of salt in a separate basin. These dry ingredients will give the cobbler topping structure and texture.

To make the dough, whisk together 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup melted butter, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence. Stir the batter until it is smooth and lump-free.

How to Make a Delicious Crock Pot Peach Cobbler in Easy Steps

After making the peach filling and dough, it’s time to put the cobbler together. To begin, combine the sliced peaches, sugar, and lemon juice in a slow cooker. Make sure the peaches are equally distributed to achieve uniform cooking.

Then, in the crock pot, pour the batter over the peaches. The batter should thoroughly cover the peaches but don’t worry if it doesn’t. It will spread throughout the cooking process.

It’s time to start making the cobbler. Reduce the heat to low and cover the crock pot. Allow the cobbler to bake for 4-5 hours. Slow simmering allows the flavors of the peaches to mingle together as the topping turns golden brown.

It’s critical to resist the urge to open the cover while the cobbler cooks. Opening the crock pot will cause the heat to escape and increase the cooking time, so be patient and let the magic unfold.

When the cobbler is done and the topping is golden brown, remove the cover and set it aside to cool somewhat. The smell of peaches and buttery crust will fill your kitchen, tempting everyone’s taste senses.

Serve the warm peach cobbler alone or with a big dollop of vanilla ice cream. The contrast between the warm, gooey filling and the cool, creamy ice cream is spectacular.

Enjoy the pleasure of presenting a wonderful homemade peach cobbler baked in your crock pot. Your family and guests will love the mix of delicious, luscious peaches and delicate crust.

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