Trump Boasts Superior Health to Obama in Spirited Iowa Address


As he returned to the Midwest on Wednesday evening for his latest campaign rally in Coralville, Iowa, Donald Trump claimed loudly that he is in better physical shape than Barack Obama.

Mr Trump sought to draw a further line between himself and his successor in the White House by emphasizing what he thinks is his greater fitness for office, speaking just after House Republicans successfully decided to formalize their impeachment proceedings into President Joe Biden.

“I just took a physical, you’ll be happy to hear,” the 77-year-old informed his fans.

“I got through with flying colors.” I also took a cognitive test. ‘Doctor, give me whatever you want,’ I said. ‘I’d want to take it.'”

Not content with bragging about having “aced” those tests, he claimed to be in better fitness than former President Barack Obama, 62, by citing his former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, who is now a Texas congressman.

“He was also Obama’s doctor, by the way,” the ex-real estate mogul reminded the audience at the Hyatt Hotel.

“I asked, ‘Who’s the healthiest?'” ‘Sir, there’s no contest,’ he said. I won’t tell you the answer, but you already know it, okay? It was my fault.”

He went on to quote his former doctor as saying, “‘If he didn’t eat junk food, he’d live to be 200 years old.” That’s my type of doctor.

On whether he thought his advanced age would be an impediment, as he has often claimed about 81-year-old Vice President Joe Biden, Mr Trump responded, “I’ll be the first to know.” But I feel like I’m sharper now than I was 20 years ago, and I’m not sure why.

“It’s a small thing, but I’m a much better golfer now than I was 10 or 15 years ago.” It has significance, you know? In a way, it implies something.”

After making several gaffes in recent public appearances, including mixing Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama on one occasion and forgetting which city he was in during his last visit to Iowa, the Republican 2024 candidate has been eager to press assertions that he is in good health.

Mr Trump also chastised the state’s governor, Kim Reynolds, for endorsing his opponent, Ron DeSantis, and criticized Mr Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for refusing to attend before the GOP-led impeachment hearing behind closed doors hours earlier.

Republicans turned down Hunter Biden’s offer to testify in a public hearing.

The president’s son responded by storming the Capitol steps, calling the “Maga Republicans” “shameless” and accusing them of punishing him and his family for cheap political gain.

Did you see Hunter today, right?” On stage, Mr. Trump gloated. “He went to the wrong location.” He went to the Senate rather than the House.”

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