This Georgia City Has the Highest Human Trafficking Rate in the State


Human trafficking is a major violation of human rights that involves using force, compulsion, or deceit to exploit people for slave labor or sexual exploitation.

This worldwide epidemic affects people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities, and the United States is among the worst countries for human trafficking, with an estimated 199,000 cases each year.

Georgia: A Significant Center

Georgia, particularly Atlanta, has emerged as a key location for human trafficking in the United States. According to the World Population Review, around four out of every 100,000 persons in Georgia become victims of human trafficking, placing the state seventh in the country.

Between 2003 and 2007, and again in 2018, Atlanta had the most sex trade activity. Atlanta had the second-highest number of human trafficking cases in 2023, trailing only Washington, DC. According to FBI figures, Atlanta is among the top 14 cities in the United States for domestic minor sex trafficking, with around 300 girls recruited into trafficking each month.

The Battle Against Human Trafficking

In Georgia, federal courts filed six new criminal human trafficking cases in 2021, leading to the conviction of five individuals. Of the active defendants, 84 percent (26) were charged with sex trafficking, and 16 percent (5) with forced labor.

In 2021, Georgia federal courts ordered reparation payments from 60 percent (three out of five) of convicted criminal human trafficking offenders. This is an upswing after several years of falling convictions and reparation orders since 2016.

Impact on the Community

The high occurrence of human trafficking has serious consequences for Atlanta’s community. It harms not just the victims but also the city’s social fabric.

Initiatives to Combat Human Trafficking

Despite the hurdles, there are strong attempts to prevent human trafficking in Atlanta. These activities encompass anything from legislation changes and law enforcement methods to community outreach and victim care programs.


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