Significant Snow Is Possible For The Front Range Of Colorado Next Week


A very busy storm cycle is occurring in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. Whistler has reported 2 feet in the last 24-48 hours. Mt Baker is reporting 18 inches in 24 hours. On Saturday, most of Whistler’s top terrain remained closed due to strong winds.

Snowfall has been lower in the interior of British Columbia. Snow will continue to fall in Whistler through Tuesday, with an additional 12-17 inches expected through Tuesday morning. The Cascades of Washington and Oregon all remain in the flow, with northern parts favored (Mt Baker). The central and southern regions perform better on Sundays and Tuesdays.

Temperatures in the Cascades will steadily decline as the storm cycle progresses, with quality improving until Tuesday. The Cascades will see increased winds Monday night.

This low-pressure system will pass over Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah by Tuesday-Wednesday. Northern and western Idaho, including the Teton Range, might benefit from more than a foot of snow. The Wasatch Range scores later Tuesday and Wednesday. The Cottonwoods might benefit from the lake influence.

Models predict a closed low (Stationary front) that stalls in New Mexico. Depending on where the stalled low is, heavy snow accumulations may extend into Colorado’s Front Range with upslope flow. New Mexico and southern Colorado may also be scoring.

Some forecasts predict up to 2 feet of snow in the Front Range Foothills and Divide region mountains of Colorado. It is too early to anticipate, but we expect some decent totals in Colorado, particularly near the Divide. Snowfall is expected in the west and north as well. New Mexico is likewise actively pursuing this goal.

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