Port Costa: Unveiling the Haunted Secrets of California’s Most Enigmatic City


There are many things to see and do in California for tourists, from sunny beaches to old towns. But it’s not all good. Some of the scariest places in the country are in this state. Port Costa is one of these places. It is a small town in Contra Costa County that was a busy port during the Gold Rush. Port Costa is known for being the most haunted city in the USA, even though it is now a quiet and cute town.

The History Of Port Costa

Port Costa was built in 1879 so that the Central Pacific Railroad could use it as a landing. There were stores, hotels, saloons, and brothels in this busy and wealthy town. A lot of sailors also liked coming to this town to have fun and use the handy services it provided. Port Costa was known for having a wild and rowdy vibe, and fights, deaths, and accidents happened there all the time.

But Port Costa’s good times did not last long. The train changed paths in the early 1900s, which made the town less important as a port. Fewer people lived there, and many companies shut down. Port Costa was forgotten and left alone, and now only a few people live there.

The Ghosts of Port Costa

Some people say that Port Costa is a peaceful and lovely town, but the town’s history won’t stay silent. People say that the spirits of people who lived and died in Port Costa’s old buildings and structures still move around. Here are some of Port Costa’s most spooky spots:

The Burlington Hotel was one of the most fancy and classy hotels in the area when it opened in 1883. It was also said to be a brothel where a lot of women worked and died. The hotel is still open for business, but it is also a popular place for ghost sightings. Guests and staff have said they have seen ghostly women dressed in Victorian-era clothes, heard sounds and voices, felt cold spots and touches, and seen things move on their own.

The Warehouse: This bar and restaurant used to be a warehouse where things like grain were kept. There were also a lot of violent events there, like killings, stabbings, and fires. The Warehouse is a famous spot for both locals and tourists, but it is also haunted by the ghosts of the people who used to live there. People who have been there and worked there have said they have seen shadowy figures, felt breezes and breaths, and heard whispers and laughs. A woman in a blue dress is one of the most well-known ghosts. She has been seen coming through the door and going away.

The Private Residence: This is a house on Canyon Lake Drive that is owned by a couple who have seen and heard a lot of ghostly things. They have felt people and things around them, seen lights and mists, and heard knocks and bangs. Aside from that, they have seen all the windows in the house slam shut all at once for no reason.


The past of Port Costa is long and interesting, but the city also has a scary and dark side. In this place, the living and the dead live together, and strange things happen all the time. People think that Port Costa is one of the scariest places in the state, if not the whole country. If you believe in ghosts or not, Port Costa is a place that will definitely amaze and thrill you.

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