Michigan Opens Doors to Green Innovation: Residents Eligible to Apply for $21.3M in Renewable Energy and Electrification Grants


A grant program for green energy and electric infrastructure has been asked for by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC). These grants worth $21.3 million are in line with Public Act 119 of 2023. Renewable energy and power projects in Michigan can get money from businesses, groups, local governments, and tribal governments. The program will give more money to projects that help reach the goals of the MI Healthy Climate Plan.

Before February 21, 2024, proposals must be sent by email. You have two chances to ask questions about the RFP. The dates are January 11, 2024, and January 26, 2024. The answers to these questions will be on the webpage for the grant program.

Public Act 119 says that all grant applications must be looked over by business groups, environmental groups, and local government units. The MPSC also wants tribal governments, nonprofits, and other groups that will be touched to look over the applications. Starting February 28, 2024, all applications will be on the award page.

After 45 days of review, applicants can make changes to their plans based on feedback and resubmit them within 15 days. The last day to send in updated proposals is April 29, 2024. You have to email these in, and they will be listed on the grant page.

The MPSC plans to tell people who will get grants in September 2024. The grants will begin on November 15, 2024. You can find out more by going to the MPSC’s website or following them on social media.

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