Here Are Seven Reasons Why No One is Moving to Oregon


Oregon is known for its beautiful scenery and forward-thinking culture, so it might seem like a great place to move. But, like every other state, it has some problems. This piece talks about seven reasons why people don’t want to move to Oregon.

These include the state’s high cost of living, unpredictable weather, and quirky cultural practices. These things might turn off some people, but they might appeal to others. This shows how personal the choice to move is.

1. High Cost of Living

Oregon is one of the most expensive states to live in, with a cost of living index of 131.2, or 31.2% more than the national average. Oregon’s typical house price is $411,300, 77.4% greater than the national median. The state also has a high-income tax rate, which ranges from 5% to 9.9% based on income level.

2. Lack of Diversity

Oregon is one of the least diverse states in the US, with a population of 86.7% white, 13.9% Hispanic or Latino, 4.4% Asian, 2.2% Black or African American, and 1.8% Native American or Alaska Native. The state’s history of racial discrimination and exclusion dates back to its inception as a “white-only” state in 1859. Oregon is still dealing with issues of racism, inequality, and social justice today.

3. Unpredictable Weather

Oregon is notorious for its wet and overcast weather, which may have an impact on people’s moods and mental health. The state receives an average of 42 inches of precipitation each year, which is 6 inches over the national average.

The state also has a low amount of sunny days, with just 144 each year, compared to the national average of 205. The weather in Oregon varies widely depending on the location, ranging from pleasant and moist coastal parts to dry and chilly highland places.

4. Natural Disasters

Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, wildfires, floods, and tsunamis are among the natural calamities that frequently strike Oregon. The state is located on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line that spans along the Pacific Northwest coast, where the Juan de Fuca Plate slides beneath the North American Plate. This raises the possibility of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, which might devastate the region.

Oregon also includes many active volcanoes, including Mount Hood, Crater Lake, and Newberry Volcano, which may erupt at any time. The state also has numerous landslides, particularly during the rainy season, which can destroy roads, buildings, and infrastructure.

Oregon also sees significant wildfires, particularly in the summer and fall, which can devastate forests, animals, and houses. Flooding occurs on occasion across the state, particularly in low-lying areas along rivers and streams.

5. Limited Job Opportunities

Oregon has a comparatively low unemployment rate of 4.9%, which is slightly below the national average of 5.2%. However, the state’s job growth rate is 0.9%, much lower than the national average of 1.6%. Agriculture, forestry, fishing, industry, and technology are the primary industries that drive the state’s economy. The state also has a low median household income of $67,058, which is 7.4% less than the national median of $72,388.

6. Stringent Environmental Regulations

Oregon is one of the most ecologically concerned states in the US, with several laws and regulations aimed at protecting natural resources and reducing carbon footprints. For example, the state has a bottle bill that imposes a 10-cent deposit on all beverage containers, which may be redeemed at recycling facilities.

The state also prohibits single-use plastic bags at grocery shops and other retail establishments, encouraging the usage of reusable bags. The state also has a low carbon fuel standard, which mandates a 10% decrease in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 2025. While these actions are good to the environment, they can be cumbersome and costly for those who are unfamiliar with them.

7. Isolation From Other States

Oregon is a very isolated state, with only two neighbors, Washington and California, and a lengthy Pacific coastline. The state has a low population density of 42.6 persons per square mile, 38.4% less than the national average of 69.2. The state also contains a small number of big cities, with just one, Portland, with a population of more than 500,000.

The state also has a limited transportation infrastructure, with only one major interstate route, I-5, running north-south across it. The state also has a small number of airports, with just one international airport, Portland International Airport, serving the whole state.


Oregon, famed for its beautiful beauty and progressive culture, confronts problems that dissuade potential inhabitants. High living costs, a lack of diversity, unpredictable weather, and natural calamities like earthquakes and wildfires are all causes of concern. Limited career possibilities, strict environmental restrictions, and distance from other states all contribute to why some people may be hesitant to relocate to Oregon. Personal tastes play an important part in assessing these aspects.

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