Here Are Seven Reasons Why No One is Moving to Oklahoma


Oklahoma is a state in the United States’ south-central area, sharing borders with Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and New Mexico. It is famous for its diversified terrain, extensive Native American heritage, and oil and gas sector.

Despite its advantages, Oklahoma is not a popular choice for those seeking for a new area to reside. Here are a few reasons why no one is migrating to Oklahoma:

1. Extreme Weather

Oklahoma is prone to severe weather, including tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail, floods, droughts, and wildfires. According to the National Weather Service, Oklahoma has the greatest frequency of tornadoes per square mile in the world, with around 62 every year.

The state also suffers temperature extremes, ranging from below-freezing in the winter to over 100°F in the summer. The unpredictable and brutal weather may make life in Oklahoma unpleasant and dangerous.

2. Low Quality of Life

Oklahoma does poorly on numerous quality-of-life indices, including health, education, income, and happiness. According to U.S. News & World Report, Oklahoma ranks 43rd in health care, 42nd in education, 45th in the economy, and 46th in opportunities.

The state also has the second-highest uninsured population, the fourth-highest obesity rate, the fifth-highest poverty rate, and the sixth-lowest happiness rate in the US. These elements can make life in Oklahoma difficult and unsatisfactory.

3. Lack of diversity

Oklahoma is not a very varied state, both demographically and culturally. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that Oklahoma is 72.2% white, 9.4% Native American, 8.8% black, 4.6% Hispanic, and 2.4% Asian.

The state also has a largely conservative and religious culture, with 70% identifying as Christian and 65% voting for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. These features might make Oklahoma unappealing and uninteresting for persons who want diversity and openness in their surroundings.

4. High Crime Rate

Oklahoma has a high crime rate, particularly in the metropolitan regions. According to the FBI, Oklahoma has the tenth-highest violent crime rate and the eleventh-highest property crime rate in the country in 2019. In 2018, the state had the world’s highest imprisonment rate, with 1,079 convicts for every 100,000 citizens. The high crime rate may make life in Oklahoma dangerous and unpleasant.

5. Poor Infrastructure

Oklahoma’s infrastructure is weak, particularly in terms of transportation and public services. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, Oklahoma’s infrastructure scored a D+ in 2017, with the lowest rankings in highways, bridges, dams, and drinking water.

The state also has the lowest per-student spending on public education, the lowest minimum wage, and the lowest gas tax in the country. Living in Oklahoma can be unpleasant and irritating due to its inadequate infrastructure.

6. Limited Entertainment Options

Oklahoma offers few entertainment opportunities, particularly for those seeking more metropolitan and cultural experiences. Oklahoma has just two major cities, Oklahoma City and Tulsa, which are both tiny and lack the facilities and attractions of bigger urban regions.

In comparison to other states, there are minimal possibilities for arts, entertainment, nightlife, and sports. Living in Oklahoma can be tedious and monotonous due to the few entertainment alternatives available.

7. Negative Reputation

Oklahoma has a bad image, both inside and beyond the state. Oklahoma is often associated with preconceptions of being primitive, ignorant, racist, and uninteresting. The state also lacks recognition and respect, since it is frequently forgotten or disregarded by national media and the general public. Living in Oklahoma may be uncomfortable and disheartening due to the state’s poor reputation.


Oklahoma’s harsh weather, low quality of life, lack of diversity, high crime rate, inadequate infrastructure, few entertainment alternatives, and terrible reputation all make it difficult to recruit new people. The state’s unpopularity stems from factors such as frequent tornadoes, poor healthcare and education rankings, as well as cultural and demographic constraints. These factors make Oklahoma less desirable to people looking for a more diversified, lively, and safe living environment.

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