In the new year, slow down!
After Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB-645 into law, a new law that will make the roads safer, speed cameras will be put up in the neighborhoods of six big towns in the state starting in 2024.
Over the next year, speed cameras will be put up in Los Angeles, Glendale, Long Beach, San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland as test runs.
Drivers who go over the speed limit by at least 11 mph will get a ticket from these cameras.
The goal of the program is to make safety a top priority in key places like schools, intersections with a lot of injuries, and streets where racing is common. By focusing on these areas, officials hope to cut down on speeding and the number of deaths caused by traffic.

People who are caught going 11 mph over the speed limit will be fined at least $50 as part of the policing plan.
The fine goes up to $100, $200, or even $500, though, based on how bad the speeding violation was.
In most situations, officials make it clear that a driver’s first mistake will not lead to a fine right away, but rather a warning.
At first, this law only applied to the six towns that were chosen. However, officials have hinted that the speed camera program could be expanded to other parts of the state if the test program works well. This shows that California wants to make the roads safer, especially in places where speeding has been a big problem.