Polk County’s Top Cop Backs New Bill: Squatters’ Rights Stripped in Florida

Polk County’s Top Cop Backs New Bill Squatters’ Rights Stripped in Florida

A tough stance on crime The sheriff of Florida wasn’t nice to squatters. He told them he would give them a new place in the county jail if they tried their “gimmicks” in his area.

Sheriff Grady Judd told Fox News Digital, “If you come to this community and break the state laws, the people’s laws will lock you up.” Judd told gun-owning residents to turn thieves into “grated cheese,” which made headlines. He is in charge of law enforcement for Polk County’s 725,046 people.

Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Wednesday that took away squatters’ rights and made it harder for people who break the law to get away with it. His government says that Florida is the first state to directly address this problem.

Judd said that he backed DeSantis’s bill because it would make it clear to other counties what steps they can take to deal with the issue. But Judd said he was putting squatters in jail using existing robbery and trespassing rules. He doesn’t understand why other states, like New York and California, aren’t doing the same.

“I think New York and California allowing them to stay for weeks, months, years or days – They’re just crazy,” he added.

For instance, the Polk County Sheriff’s office just got a call from a real estate agent who had been showing a house and found thieves living there.

The sheriff said that the squatters said, “It’s our house.” We moved in because no one else was there.

“Well, we took them to the county jail and charged them with breaking in.” That’s why I don’t know what the rules could be that would let someone break into your home without you being there and take it over. “It makes no sense to me whatsoever,” he said.

Adel Andaloro, who lives in New York, was arrested for changing the locks on her Flushing, Queens, home after squatters moved in. She was in the process of trying to sell the house that she got from her parents after they died.

The sheriff said that some states were making people more likely to break the law.

“Why are we letting a few bad people walk around who want to break the rules and not follow society’s rules, which are called laws?” Why are we letting them hit the good people and hurt them? “It doesn’t make sense to me,” he said. “You disobey the law and I will be your worst enemy.”

He went on, “Laws are being changed in places like New York and California to help criminals do their jobs and to encourage criminals to do their jobs.” And when thieves know they won’t be caught, they steal. And other thieves see them and think, “I’ll do the same.”

Some district attorneys, like Meg Reiss, Alvin Bragg’s top prosecutor who is backed by Soros, think the criminal justice system is “racist” and that police should change society as a whole by selectively prosecuting crimes.

“So one of the first things you should do is change the words: ‘the bad dude.'” What does it mean? What happened that led that person to get into trouble with the law in the first place? In an interview in 2017, she asked, “And what is that person’s background?”

He said that the idea that the criminal justice system is racist is “fake” and makes him want to “throw up.”

“It’s an idiot-ology that makes no sense, makes no sense at all,” he said. Everyone knows it’s wrong to steal someone else’s stuff or take it from them against their will. But this thing where people say, “Oh, that’s racist.” It’s not right. That’s just not true… Everyone has to follow the same rules… You can either follow them and be okay, or you can break them and be held responsible.

“It makes me sick when people say things like, ‘Oh, but you know it’s not fair to this group.'”No matter your age, race, or color, it’s the same for everyone. Society has told people through laws that this is normal, accepted behavior. “So that everyone can live together in peace in this lovely democracy and do well,” he said. “But it’s wrong, unfair, racist, and just plain false to say that our system is broken.” To say those things is not true.

If people live in high-crime areas and vote for leaders who support crime, the sheriff said, those people are to blame.

“That’s your fault if you live in California or New York and vote for the majority of the people who make the laws that allow criminals to steal from you.” Things go wrong when you have to lock up your underwear at a California Wal-Mart. In Oregon, drugs that were not illegal before are now illegal.

What did you think would happen when drugs were no longer illegal? Are you all crazy? But hey, you keep a light on for them. You’re going to keep making crazy rules that help criminals instead of helping people like me. It will happen to you one day if it hasn’t already. It’s that easy.”

The sheriff has been in the news for being honest about crime. For example, in 2020, he told people to shoot home burglars until they turn into “grated cheese.”

At the time, Judd said, “I strongly advise that they use their guns to blow you back out of the house.” “If someone breaks into your house while you’re not there to steal things, I strongly advise that you get your gun and shoot them.” “You shoot him so he looks like cheese gratin.”

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