Three Ohio Cities Were Named The Most Rat-infested Cities In America


Rats, the renowned domestic pests, have made their way into the heart of Ohio. While some people find them adorable (and even keep them as pets), others try to keep them out of their houses. According to a recent survey, three Ohio cities have surged to the top of the list of the nation’s most rat-infested cities. Let’s get into the facts and figure out why these cities are dealing with hairy rodent troubles.

1. Cleveland, Ohio: The Rat Capital

Cleveland, Ohio, has ranked in the top ten of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities. For nine years in a row, it battled the rat invasion, gaining the unenviable reputation of being one of America’s most rat-infested communities. Residents are all too acquainted with scurrying sounds in attics, gnawed cables, and the odd rat sighting in their backyards.

2. Columbus, Ohio: Not Far Behind

Columbus, Ohio is ranked number 18 on the same list. While it has not claimed the top rank, its rat population is not to be taken lightly. The city’s attempts to combat rodent infestations have been admirable, but the battle continues. From downtown alleys to suburban areas, Columbus residents remain wary of these persistent pests.

3. Cincinnati, The Buckeye State’s Rat Haven

Cincinnati, Ohio, is the most rat-infested city in the state. Cincinnati, ranked 31st nationally, is always struggling to maintain its streets clear of rats. Whether it’s the old building or the bustling riverfront, rats seem to get into every nook and cranny. Local pest control organizations labor feverishly to reduce rat populations, yet the problem persists.

What are the causes of the high rat population in Ohio cities?

Several reasons contribute to Ohio communities’ high rat populations:

Seasonal Changes: As temperatures drop in the fall and winter, rats seek warmth by infesting homes and buildings, resulting in increasing rat infestations in some places.

Construction Projects: Large-scale construction projects in metropolitan areas can disrupt rat populations, leading them to scatter and seek new sources of food and shelter, resulting in increased rat activity.

Rats are attracted to urban areas with heavy foot traffic, restaurants, and inadequate waste management due to the availability of food sources such as garbage and abandoned wrappers.

Climate Conditions: Cold weather drives rats to seek shelter indoors where there is food and water, increasing the frequency of infestations in homes and offices.

Lack of Pest Control Measures: Inadequate pest control methods, as well as the presence of conducive habitats for rats to thrive, can contribute to urban rat populations.

To address the issue of high rat populations in Ohio cities, residents must take proactive steps such as properly storing food, decluttering homes, maintaining landscaping, inspecting for rodent entry points, and reporting sightings to pest control authorities for prompt action. Furthermore, public awareness efforts about proper trash management and pest control can assist alleviate the rat infestation problem in these places.

What are the most common ways for rats to enter homes in Ohio cities?

The most prevalent methods rats enter homes in Ohio cities are:

Small apertures: After nibbling a hole, rats may squeeze through apertures as small as 1/2 inch wide, allowing them to enter homes through gaps in walls, floors, or roofs.

Sewer Lines and Drains: Rats are known to swim through sewer lines and infiltrate homes via floor drains or by climbing sewer pipes to the second level.

Existing Openings: Rats generally enter homes through existing openings that lead into crawl spaces, attics, and other areas where they can access the interior of the home.

Rats frequently enter homes through gaps in rooflines, eaves, and crawl spaces, thus it is critical to seal these areas with rodent-proof materials such as steel wool or steel mesh.

Outside Walls: Rats can enter homes through outside walls, particularly if there are gaps or cracks that allow easy access to the interior of the structure.

To prevent rats from entering houses, residents must evaluate their premises for potential entrance points, seal any holes or breaches, maintain cleanliness by removing food sources, keep food in airtight containers, and follow correct waste disposal methods. Residents that take proactive measures to safeguard their homes and eradicate attractants can dramatically lower the likelihood of rat infestations and create a pest-free living environment.

Read More: 6 Famous Celebrities Who live in Cleveland, Ohio


Ohioans must be alert in their fight against these uninvited visitors. To keep rats at away, residents should inspect their homes for potential entranceways, maintain vegetation, tidy, and store food properly. While rats are a part of urban life, these cities are keen to regain their territory from the furry invaders.

So, the next time you hear a rustling in the attic or see a rat scurrying across the sidewalk, realize that you are not alone—Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati are all fighting the rat armies in the Buckeye State.

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