This New York City Has Broken the Record for the Highest Rate of Marijuana Consumption


New York City is well-known for many things, including its skyscrapers, diversity, culture, and, more recently, cannabis smoking. According to recent research, the New York metropolis smokes more marijuana than any other metropolis in the world, including Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Los Angeles, California.

The Study

The report, titled the 2023 Cannabis Global Price Index, was produced by the nonprofit CFAH, which stands for Cannabis for All Health. The study analyzed cannabis usage and pricing in 120 locations throughout the world, utilizing data from a variety of sources, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and local governments.

According to the report, New York City residents use an average of 62.3 metric tons of cannabis every year, which is equivalent to around 137,000 pounds or 62 million grams. That indicates that each individual in NYC smokes around 7.5 grams of marijuana each year, or 0.02 grams per day on average.

The survey also rated the cities based on the price of pot per gram, with New York City coming in 11th place with an average price of $10.76. The most costly city was Tokyo, Japan, where a gram of pot costs $32.66, while the cheapest place was Quito, Ecuador, where a gram of weed costs only $1.34.

The Legal Status

One of the study’s most striking findings is that New York City leads the way in pot usage even though cannabis remains banned in New York State, both recreationally and medically. However, in 2022, New York City decriminalized possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis, changing the punishment from a criminal misdemeanor to a civil infraction with a $50 fine.

The decriminalization program aimed to eliminate racial inequities in cannabis arrests, which disproportionately impacted Black and Latino populations. According to the New York Police Department, cannabis arrests decreased by 94% in 2022 over 2021.

However, decriminalization does not imply legalization, and cannabis users in NYC continue to confront several hazards and problems. For example, smoking cannabis in public remains unlawful and may result in a citation or arrest. Furthermore, cannabis users lack legal access to safe and regulated goods, forcing them to rely on the illicit market, where they risk being exposed to adulterated or contaminated products, as well as violence and exploitation.

The Future

Many cannabis supporters and activists are advocating for the complete legalization of cannabis in New York State, which would enable people to cultivate, possess, and consume cannabis for personal use while also establishing a legal and controlled market for cannabis products. According to a Siena College study done in 2022, 58% of New Yorkers support legalizing cannabis, while 38% oppose it.

However, legalizing cannabis in New York State confronts several political and legal challenges, as well as resistance from some organizations, including law enforcement, health experts, and religious leaders. Some of the primary arguments against legalizing are the possible detrimental effects on public health, safety, and morality, as well as a lack of proper cannabis research and regulation.

The legalization of cannabis in New York State is also contingent on federal government actions and choices, as cannabis is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, which means it has no established medicinal value and a high potential for abuse.

This categorization renders cannabis illegal under federal law, resulting in several disputes and challenges for states that have legalized it, including banking, taxes, and interstate commerce issues.


Cannabis use is highest in New York City, where people use 62.3 metric tons of cannabis each year, even though it is banned in New York State. In 2022, the city made possession less of a crime to fix the problem of race inequalities in arrests.

Five eighteen percent of New Yorkers back full legalization. But law enforcement, health experts, and faith leaders are all against it. The federal classification of marijuana makes it harder for states to legalize it, which has effects on banks, taxes, and trade between states.

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