This Jacksonville Neighborhoods Has Been Named the Most Racist Neighborhoods in the State


Jacksonville, like many other communities in the United States, has a long history of racial strife. While the city has made attempts to disassociate itself from its racist history, incidents such as the killing of three Black people by a young, white perpetrator remind us that racism still exists.

The Effects of Redlining

Redlining, the discriminatory practice of denying or pricing services differently depending on the racial or ethnic mix of specific neighborhoods, has had a tremendous impact on Jacksonville’s Black community. There are striking parallels between Jacksonville’s first comprehensive zoning map and the city’s redlined map.

Environmental Racism in Jacksonville

Environmental racism, a systematic issue that burdens minority communities with disproportionately high levels of risks such as hazardous waste factories, rubbish dumps, and other forms of pollution, is not unique to Jacksonville. According to a 2017 research, Black Americans are 75% more likely to live near industries that produce hazardous waste.

Moving forward

Despite these problems, Jacksonville is dedicated to creating a fairer future. It’s critical to remember that, while these difficulties are part of Jacksonville’s past, they don’t define its future. Residents and officials must continue to work together to address these issues and promote a more inclusive community.

It is crucial to emphasize that the purpose of this essay is not to identify any single Jacksonville area as the “most racist.” Instead, it aims to highlight structural concerns impacting the city’s Black populations. When tackling this issue, it is critical to use a caring and devoted strategy that focuses on understanding and fostering change.


Finally, Jacksonville confronts a complicated history of racial struggle, ranging from the long-term impact of redlining on the Black population to institutional environmental racism. Despite these obstacles, the city exhibits a will to forge a more equitable future, realizing that previous hardships do not determine its course.

Collaborative efforts between communities and government are required to solve structural concerns and promote inclusion. This article emphasizes the importance of a caring and focused approach, trying not to label specific places but to uncover and address structural issues impacting Jacksonville’s Black communities.

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