This City in South Carolina Has Been Named the Most Dangerous City to Live


South Carolina has many attractions, including stunning beaches, lovely parks, vibrant festivals, and delectable cuisine. However, it has a high crime rate and is ranked as the third most dangerous state in the United States.

While some South Carolina communities are reasonably secure, others are riddled with violence and property crimes. Based on the most recent FBI crime data, this article will disclose which city has been designated as the most hazardous place to live in South Carolina.

Myrtle Beach is the Most Dangerous City in South Carolina.

According to the FBI’s 2020 Uniform Crime Report, the most hazardous city in South Carolina is Myrtle Beach, a renowned tourist destination on the Atlantic coast. Myrtle Beach has a population of 38,253, with a crime rate of 51.08 per 1,000 people. This indicates that one in every twenty persons in Myrtle Beach will be a victim of a crime.

Myrtle Beach has a higher rate of violent and property crimes than the national and state norms. Myrtle Beach’s violent crime rate is 14.57 per 1,000 inhabitants, more than four times the national average of 3.7 and more than five times the state average of 2.8. Myrtle Beach’s property crime rate is 36.51 per 1,000 residents, more than double the national average of 16.8 per 1,000 people and more than tripling the state average of 11.2 per 1,000 persons.

Myrtle Beach’s most prevalent violent crimes include severe assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Myrtle Beach’s most prevalent property crimes are burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. In Myrtle Beach, the chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime are 1 in 69, while the odds of becoming a victim of a property crime are 1 in 27.

Causes and Consequences of Crime in Myrtle Beach

Many reasons contribute to Myrtle Beach’s high crime rate, including poverty, unemployment, drug misuse, gang activity, and tourism. Myrtle Beach’s poverty rate is 22.4%, greater than the national average of 10.5% and the state average of 15.4%. Myrtle Beach’s unemployment rate is 6.9%, higher than both the national average of 6.0% and the state average of 5.3%.

Myrtle Beach has a drug overdose rate of 32.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, higher than the national average of 21.6 and the state average of 20.7. Gang activity in Myrtle Beach is also a severe issue, with over 30 gangs operating in the city and engaging in crimes such as drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, and murder.

Another element influencing the crime rate in Myrtle Beach is the inflow of tourists, particularly during the summer. Myrtle Beach has over 14 million tourists every year, making it one of the most popular vacation spots in the country.

However, this presents issues for law enforcement, since they must deal with a big and transitory population as well as a wide range of crimes, including theft, fraud, assault, and disorderly conduct. Furthermore, some visitors may participate in dangerous activities such as drinking, gambling, or drug use, increasing their likelihood of being victims or perpetrators of crime.

Myrtle Beach’s high crime rate has a detrimental influence on people, businesses, and the city’s reputation. Residents of Myrtle Beach may experience fear, stress, trauma, injury, or loss as a result of crime. They may also have difficulty getting work, housing, or education owing to the stigma and discrimination that comes with living in a high-crime neighborhood. Crime may cause companies in Myrtle Beach to lose customers, income, and property.

They may also face greater expenditures for security, insurance, or maintenance, affecting their profitability and sustainability. The high crime rate may also affect Myrtle Beach’s reputation as a safe and appealing tourist destination, discouraging potential tourists, investors, or residents and jeopardizing the city’s economic and social growth.

Solution and Recommendations for Crime Reduction in Myrtle Beach

There is no simple or quick answer to Myrtle Beach’s crime problem since it involves a comprehensive and coordinated strategy from a variety of stakeholders, including the government, police, the community, and tourists. Some of the potential remedies and proposals for crime reduction in Myrtle Beach include:

1.) The government should devote more resources and funding to improving the city’s social and economic conditions, such as creating more employment, making housing more affordable, extending public transit, increasing education and health care, and eliminating poverty and inequality.

2.) Police officers should expand their presence and visibility across the city, particularly in high-crime areas, and implement proactive and preventative techniques such as community policing, intelligence-led policing, problem-oriented policing, and hotspot policing.

3.) The community should be more engaged and helpful in crime prevention and intervention measures, such as establishing neighborhood watch groups, reporting suspicious activity, assisting victims and witnesses, and organizing anti-crime programs and events.

4.) Tourists should be more aware of and responsible for their safety and security, as well as follow city laws and regulations such as not drinking excessively, gambling, or using drugs, locking their doors and windows, securing their valuables, and staying in well-lit and populated areas.


According to FBI crime data, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is the most hazardous city in the state, with high rates of violent and property crimes. Poverty, unemployment, drug addiction, gang activity, and tourism are all contributing issues. The city’s high crime rates influence people, companies, and its reputation as a tourism attraction. To reduce crime overall, solutions include improving social and economic circumstances, increasing police presence and community participation, and encouraging responsible tourist behavior.

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