These 7 Weirdest Places in Idaho: Stay Away From Unknown Neighborhoods at Night


Idaho is frequently recognized as a safe place to live and visit, owing to its magnificent natural beauty and friendly towns. As with every state, there are areas where one should be cautious about their safety, particularly at night. To ensure your safety, whether you’re a local or just visiting, you should be aware of these sites.

These are the seven uncomfortable spots in Idaho that you should avoid after dark.

1. Pocatello’s Northside Neighborhood

There have been some safety concerns voiced in this area, particularly in neighborhoods notorious for high drug and property crime rates. Visitors are encouraged to use caution when viewing this location, especially after dark, and not walk into unknown paths or streets.

2. Lincoln District, Idaho Falls

A few safety concerns have been made in the Lincoln District of Idaho Falls, particularly around specific parks and business sectors. Even if there are measures to make the neighborhood safer and more vibrant, guests should take caution and avoid going for nocturnal walks on their own.

3. Garden City Boise

While Boise is usually safe, some neighborhoods, such as Garden City, may have higher-than-average crime rates, especially after sunset. Garden City, located near the Boise River, has had sporadic instances of homelessness and property crime. Travelers should be cautious and avoid unusual neighborhoods, particularly after dark.

4. Boise’s Vista Community

Safety issues have been highlighted in the Vista community, particularly near major roadways and intersections. Although there have been initiatives to make the area safer, it is still advisable to be alert of your surroundings and avoid going for nocturnal walks alone.

5. Nampa’s Caldwell Boulevard

There have been complaints of an upsurge in theft and vandalism along Caldwell Boulevard, particularly in the more wealthy districts. Travelers should use caution in this location, particularly after dark, and avoid leaving valuables in cars.

6. Northgate Mile, Idaho Falls

Stealing and assault are only two of the many incidents involving safety issues on Northgate Mile, a major commercial district in Idaho Falls. Customers in this neighborhood should be mindful of their surroundings and exercise caution when visiting businesses, particularly after dark.

7. Lewis-Clark Valley, Lewiston

The Lewis-Clark Valley, located in Lewiston on the Idaho-Washington border, has raised some safety concerns due to drug activity and property crime. Visitors should use caution and avoid new areas, particularly after sunset, even if efforts are being made to address these difficulties.


In conclusion, while Idaho is well-known for its safety and welcoming towns, some regions require extra vigilance after dark. Specific communities in Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Boise, and Nampa, such as Northgate Mile and Lewis-Clark Valley, have reported safety concerns, underlining the significance of alert and awareness, particularly at night.

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