The Scary Story Behind This Haunted Hotel in Pennsylvania is Horrifying


Pennsylvania is a state with a rich history and culture, as well as paranormal activity. Pennsylvania has several haunted sites, but one of the most well-known is the Logan Inn in New Hope.

This ancient hotel, which dates back to 1722, has witnessed several events, including the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. It also houses various spirits, some friendly and some not so pleasant. This is the story of a haunted hotel in Pennsylvania that will give you nightmares.

History of the Logan Inn

John Wells first established the Logan Inn as a tavern in 1722. It eventually became an inn in 1727 and was named for James Logan, a well-known statesman and friend of William Penn. During the Revolutionary War, the inn functioned as General George Washington’s headquarters, and other notable guests included the Marquis de Lafayette, Aaron Burr, and Edgar Allan Poe.

The inn also served as an Underground Railroad station, assisting escaped slaves in their journey to freedom. During the Civil War, the inn served as a hospital and morgue for injured troops. The inn is now a National Historic Landmark, attracting both visitors and ghost seekers.

The Paranormal Activity of Logan Inn

The Logan Inn is reported to be haunted by at least eight distinct spirits, each with their unique personality and tale. Some of the most popular sightings and encounters include:

1.) Emily, the prior owner’s nine-year-old daughter, died of a fever. She is frequently seen playing in room 6, where she enjoys moving furniture, turning on the tap, and laughing. She is also fond of flowers and occasionally leaves a floral aroma in the air.

2.) A Revolutionary War soldier can be spotted keeping watch outside the inn or going throughout the halls. He normally wears a blue outfit and a tricorn hat. He is occasionally accompanied by drums or musket fire.

3.) A woman dressed in white, thought to be a former Civil War visitor or nurse. She is frequently spotted in room 12, where she likes to sit on the bed or gaze out the window. She is also known to appear in mirrors and pictures shot by guests.

4.) A guy dressed in a red cloak, believed to be a British spy or loyalist. He may be found in Room 11, where he enjoys causing havoc and scaring people. He is also accused of shutting off the lights, slamming doors, and making excessive sounds.

5.) A young youngster is observed running around the inn or hiding behind furniture. He is occasionally heard laughing or sobbing and enjoys playing with toys or balls. He is also renowned for tugging on guests’ clothing or hair.

6.) A woman in a lavender outfit can be spotted in the dining room or lobby. She is frequently accompanied by a flowery fragrance or a cool wind. She is described as charming and stylish, and she enjoys greeting guests and workers.

7.) A man in a black suit can be observed in the basement or at the bar. He is typically regarded as scary and threatening, and he enjoys scaring guests and workers. He is also renowned for whispering threats or obscenities and touching them with a chilly hand.

8.) A woman wearing a blue dress who is observed in the garden or parking lot. She is supposed to be gloomy and lonely and enjoys wandering around the inn. She has also been known to cry, sigh, or seek guests for assistance.


Pennsylvania’s historical fabric weaves tales of both military heroics and haunting sagas, with the Logan Inn serving as a disturbing reminder of the state’s troubled heritage. Established in 1722, this historic sanctuary welcomed Revolutionary War figures and provided refuge for escaped slaves during the Underground Railroad.

Today, it echoes with paranormal activity, home to ghosts such as Emily, a lively kid, and a mystery Revolutionary War soldier. From a woman in lavender to a threatening figure in black, each ghost creates a vivid portrayal of the Logan Inn’s haunted history, beckoning intrepid guests into a realm where the past and the paranormal collide.

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