The Alabama Wendy City Is Famous For Its Funny Signs


A lot of fast food business signs are quite standard. However, the amusing and occasionally weird placards in front of the Albertville, Alabama Wendy’s can make you look twice, and they probably have many times.

Russell Johnson, the general manager of the Albertville Wendy’s, said he came up with the idea to put the signs up during the 2020 pandemic. He reasoned that, at the very least, it would make guests laugh, and at the most, it would help the restaurant stay open during these difficult times.

Johnson said, “No business knew if they were going to stay open, so I told them we’d do everything we could to stay open.” “I started making signs, which they generally don’t allow. I was trying to make everybody laugh, make everyone feel better, and make myself feel better. I thought acting as ridiculous as possible would be fun because it was such a strange moment.

Since then, Johnson’s amusing and often bizarre statements have appeared on over 100 signs in front of the fast-food restaurant. Politics, sporting event results, mocking rival restaurants in the region, and the restaurant’s menu items have all been discussed. Johnson used the sign to promote local businesses and people in the community. Many people now look forward to reading Wendy’s signs, but this was not always the case.

“Nothing like that had been seen before.” That is what people are used to seeing. People used to grumble about it, but they no longer do because they understand our hearts are in the right place. We make fun of ourselves and other places, and everyone understands it. Many people are really into it right now.

Johnson stated that he prefers not to install signs on the spur of the moment so that he can ensure the words are perfect. He normally has ten ideas for the sign he’s considering at any one time. However, no sign goes up until his assistant boss, Victoria Grimes, gives the go.

He went on to say, “She’s a lot younger than me, but you won’t believe it; she will tell me straight out, ‘That can’t go up.'” She saved my job. Without her, I might have gotten fired. She reviews them, and I only upload them if we both agree. Johnson claimed he can’t recall what the first sign he put up stated, but he did specify which one was his favorite.

“Willie Nelson turned 90 today,” it announced. Jones went on to say, “We now sell Frosty’s by the pot to keep our customers alive longer.” “I played around with that sign for six months, but Victoria kept telling me no until I got that play on words.”

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In Summary

In summary, Wendy’s in Albertville, Alabama, became well-known in the community for its amusing and unusual signs, which were created by the general manager, Russell Johnson. These signs, which were first used during the 2020 epidemic to brighten morale and keep the business going, have become a beloved tradition. Johnson’s partnership with his assistant supervisor, Victoria Grimes, ensures that each sign achieves the appropriate balance. What began as an attempt to bring amusement into a terrible situation has grown into a community favorite, demonstrating the wonderful influence humor can have in unexpected settings.

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