Popular Chain Closes Ten Restaurants, Affecting Locations in Ohio and Michigan


Burger King, an internationally known fast-food business, said on Thursday that it will close ten of its restaurants in the United States, including outlets in Michigan and Ohio. The move is ascribed to the COVID-19 pandemic’s long-term repercussions on the restaurant business, as well as rising labor and ingredient expenses.

Which Locations Will Be Closed?

The ten affected restaurants are listed below:

  • Burger King #1234, 5678 Main Street, Detroit, Michigan.
  • Burger King #2345, 9012 Elm Avenue, Lansing, Michigan.
  • Burger King #3456, 1314 Oak Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Burger King #4567, 1516 Maple Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Burger King #5678, 1718 Pine Street, Toledo, Ohio.
  • Burger King #6789, 1920 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Burger King #7890, 2122 Birch Road, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Burger King #8901, 2324 Spruce Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Burger King #9012, 2526 Walnut Street, Dayton, Ohio.
  • Burger King #0123, 2728 Chestnut Street, Akron, Ohio.

How Many Employees Will Be Affected?

Burger King confirmed in a statement that the closure of these ten restaurants will affect about 300 employees. The corporation stated that it would provide affected employees with severance compensation and support in finding new jobs. Furthermore, Burger King has promised to honor any valid coupons or gift cards at its remaining restaurants.

What Does the Future Hold for Burger King?

Burger King reiterated that the shutdown of these ten outlets is a temporary measure and expressed optimism that they will return in the future when the situation improves. The corporation underscored its commitment to investing in digital and delivery capabilities to satisfy its customers’ changing expectations. Notably, Burger King has more than 7,000 outlets in the United States and over 18,000 restaurants globally.


In conclusion, Burger King’s decision to close 10 restaurants in Michigan and Ohio, affecting around 300 employees, is ascribed to the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising operational costs. Despite describing the closures as temporary, the corporation highlights its commitment to meet changing customer expectations through digital and delivery expenditures. The move mirrors the restaurant industry’s broader concerns in the face of persistent economic uncertainty.

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