People Are Quitting Their Jobs In Pennsylvania, New York, And New Jersey


In the fast-paced world of today, job satisfaction is a critical aspect that significantly influences an individual’s overall well-being. A recent study conducted by Wealth of Geeks, a popular pop culture/finance website, has shed light on the varying work conditions across states in the United States. The study considered key factors such as income, quit rates, commute duration, working hours, safety, and paid time off to rank states accordingly.

Topping the list as the worst-performing state is Georgia. With an average commute time of 28.7 minutes, Georgia presents a challenging environment for its workforce. The state’s overall job satisfaction score stands at a dismal 29.62, highlighting a significant dissatisfaction among employees. Furthermore, the quitting rate in Georgia is staggering at 3.6%, reflecting poorly on happiness and employee retention metrics.

New Jersey’s Struggle:

New Jersey doesn’t fare much better, securing the 9th spot on the list of worst states for workers. The state boasts a low satisfaction score of 34.09, leaving many employees discontent with their professional lives. A median hourly wage of $24.56 adds financial strain, making it challenging for workers to feel adequately compensated.

Commute Woes in the Garden State

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, New Jersey holds the unenviable title of having the third-longest average commute time in the nation. As of 2024, the average drive time to work in the state has increased to 31.1 minutes, up from 28.6 minutes in previous years. This prolonged commute negatively impacts the overall work-life balance and contributes to the dissatisfaction experienced by New Jersey workers.

Employee Retention:

While the overall picture for New Jersey might seem grim, the state outperforms neighboring states in terms of employee retention. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the quit rate for New Jersey was 3% in December 2021. This figure indicates a lower attrition rate compared to neighboring states like New York (3.2%) and Pennsylvania (3.5%). Despite other challenges, this relatively lower quit rate suggests a degree of stability in New Jersey’s workforce.

Comparative Analysis:

Surprisingly, New York and Pennsylvania, often considered more vibrant and economically robust states, fare worse than New Jersey in the study. New York holds the 4th position, while Pennsylvania secures the 6th spot on the list of worst places to work. This revelation prompts a closer examination of the factors contributing to job satisfaction and discontent in these regions.


In the ever-evolving landscape of work conditions, the Wealth of Geeks study provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by employees across different states. Georgia’s struggles and New Jersey’s commute woes serve as a call to action for policymakers and businesses to address key issues affecting job satisfaction. As the workforce continues to navigate these challenges, understanding regional disparities is crucial for fostering environments that promote contentment, productivity, and overall well-being.

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