Musk Wants to Build a New University and  Stem-focused School in Austin 


Elon Musk CEO of Tesla and SpaceX wants to build a university in Austin, Texas, with the help of his Foundation organization. A little over $100 million was given to his charity.

This money will also be used to build a primary and secondary school in Austin with a focus on STEM education. Musk went from California to Austin, Texas, a few years ago. He said that he did this because of California’s very left-wing policies and politics.

According to the tax filing, once the institution is fully operational, the focus will transfer to creating a university. The college intends to seek accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, which would be a significant milestone in its development.

According to the filing, the university intends to use both in-person teaching and distance education technologies. The initial enrollment is planned to be 50 students, with intentions to expand over time.

The institution plans to fund itself through a combination of donations and tuition fees. Furthermore, the application states that the college may provide financial aid to students who cannot afford tuition or fees. The university is now looking for an executive director as well as professors and administrators.

Elon Musk’s proposal for a new institution in Austin, where the Institution of Texas at Austin and other private universities already exist, coincides with the University of Austin’s upcoming opening.

According to its president, Pano Kanelos, the University of Austin, which was founded two years ago, intends to be a proponent of free speech and open inquiry on college campuses.

It’s worth mentioning that Elon Musk’s academic project has yet to be given a name. According to Bloomberg, the Foundation’s trustees include Jared Birchall (head of Musk’s family office), Steven Chidester (a tax attorney at Withersworldwide), and Ronald Gong and Teresa Holland (both from Catalyst Family Office in California).

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