Miami Police Investigate Assault on LGBTQ+ Group: Potential Hate Crime


A group of transgender and gay women say they were yelled at and then hit after leaving an event in Wynwood last month.

According to nbcmiami, A video of some of the fights on November 26 is also being looked at by Miami Police as part of their probe. Police say they are looking into the case because it might be a hate crime.

“These guys just started yelling anti-lesbian things at us,” one of the victims said. “They said things like, ‘You’re only lesbians because you haven’t received actual,’ and he used a swear word out of the blue.”

There was a transgender person and two gays in the group of women. People in the film can be heard pleading with the fight to stop, and they also say that they have called the police. A man who is trying to stand up for the women is being hit by two men in white shirts.

This person, who asked not to be named, is seen on tape getting punched three times and then passing out. She says the guys who attacked them first used gay slurs and then got violent.

“I know they hurt my finger when they hit me in the jaw, and I may have a hairline fracture and need surgery.” “It’s been a very hard time, and I’ve been having nightmares about being attacked and seeing my friend lying on the floor with blood all over her,” the victim said.

Her badly hurt friend also talked to NBC6. Because she was hit and passed out, she doesn’t remember much of what just happened.

“I felt targeted for sure, I mean they were trying to hate on the fact that we were gay. I don’t know why, I don’t understand to this day why,” said another victim.

The victims believe the men who attacked them were professional fighters and gave police the identity of one of them.

“We are actively working on the case. Like any investigation, we have to dot the I’s and cross the” Miami Police told NBC6 in a statement. “We are working with our LGBTQ+ liaison and SAO hate crime task force. We have to make sure we have everything lined up before we initiate our arrest(s).”

It’s welcome news from victims who say they just want justice.

“It’s very concerning to see that they are still out and about and free and nothing has happened to them yet,” said a victim.

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