Manchin Warns Ukraine Might Be The ‘biggest Catastrophe In History’


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) urged Congress to grant Ukraine aid, warning that failure to do so might result in the struggling country experiencing the “worst atrocity in history.”

Machin’s plea for external support comes as the measure has stalled in Congress, while the Ukrainian military has struggled with limited supplies and Russian troops have advanced further.

“We can’t let Ukraine go through this; if it comes through the spring and we haven’t helped Ukraine, God help us,” Manchin told Axios’ Niala Boodhoo on Tuesday at Axios’ annual What’s Next Summit in Washington, DC.

“That’ll be the worst atrocity in history that your children or grandchildren be reading about that we’ve done,” he went on to say.

The Senate approved the foreign aid package, which includes $60 billion for Ukraine, last month. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has declined to bring the bill to the floor, citing a lack of crucial border protections.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has pressed Johnson to bring the proposal to the floor. President Biden and other foreign leaders have echoed similar warnings as Johnson and other House members work to avoid a partial government shutdown scheduled for Friday. Johnson has stated that he intends to fund the government first and then focus on approving the foreign aid package, which includes money to Israel and Taiwan, as well as enhanced cash for the southern border.

Manchin’s words are similar to those made by Democratic leadership in both chambers, as Kiev backers press Congress to authorize aid before the holiday hiatus.

The West Virginia senator is drawing close to completing his final term in the Senate. He said in November that he will not seek reelection. Last month, he announced that he will not run for president.

However, CNN reported last week that Manchin explored a long-shot notion with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to enter the Senate campaign before the August filing date.

“I believe that is a long-shot scenario,” Manchin added. “So, I don’t see that happening. I don’t plan on running.

When asked if his statements meant he was abandoning the notion entirely, the moderate senator replied, “I don’t know if anything in Washington, D.C., is 100%.”

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