How To Find Out If You are Being Underpaid And How To Ask Your Boss For A Raise


It can be intimidating to ask your boss for a wage increase, but planning ahead and scheduling your meeting strategically can help you achieve your goals.

Beginning in April, the pay of around three million minimum-wage workers will increase. The average regular income, excluding incentives, dropped significantly from 7.3% to 6.6% in the three months leading up to November, according to the most recent data.

According to Mr. O’Rourke, “you may anticipate that there will be funding available for your request if your business is adding new staff members and taking on new clientele. You should also bring up the subject at the beginning of a new fiscal year or when you anticipate receiving a performance assessment.”

He continued: “To increase your chance of success, request a meeting following a key project, or once you have ticked off a number of your assigned tasks, rather than in the middle of your workflow.”

Check the salaries of others in Comparable Roles

Investigate the market and note what people making comparable incomes are paying for roles similar to your own. “It’s also worthwhile to check out new job postings to see what salary is being offered so that you can request a fair salary,” stated Mr. O’Rourke.

“Always pitch for a salary above what you’re looking for as you should expect your manager to negotiate rather than accept your initial offer.”

Make An Appointment In Advance To Speak With Your Manager

Make sure you notify your manager in advance of your desire for a meeting. Both of you will have more time to prepare your remarks as a result. “Similarly, you will need to consider the allocated time for your meeting,” stated Mr. O’Rourke. Give yourself ample time to talk about whatever you want to bring up.

“Take your manager’s preferences into account when scheduling the meeting—whether it be in the morning or the afternoon, in-person or virtually. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring up performance reviews if you already have one scheduled.

Rehearse Your Desired Words

This is particularly crucial if you’re anxious to speak with your supervisor. Be explicit about your expectations for your income, your advantages, and the reasons you ought to receive this new pay grade, according to Mr. O’Rourke. It is helpful to be detailed about any noteworthy accomplishments, preferably supported by evidence. To convey confidence, unambiguous use of language.

“Conclude by asking your management to comment on your suggestion. If they have any questions about the things you’ve brought up, be ready to go into more detail.”

Whatever The Result, Thank Your Management For Their Time

Whether or not your manager agrees to a wage increase, Mr. O’Rourke said it’s still important to appreciate them for their time. “It is best practice to express gratitude to them both during the meeting and in a subsequent email,” he continued. Along with conversation points from your meeting, the email should explain why you think you should be compensated more.

“You should constantly inquire as to why your management did not meet your compensation expectations. It’s helpful to know if this is because of financial limitations or something more directly associated with your position.”

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