Here Are Seven Things You Did Not Know About Kizzmekia Corbett


We are going on a journey through the life of Kizzmekia Corbett, a famous person whose accomplishments go far beyond the normal. Dr. Corbett’s story is a tapestry of scientific talent, resilience, and advocacy. She is best known for her key role in developing the COVID-19 vaccine.

In this look into her life, we reveal seven lesser-known facts that shed light on the person behind the groundbreaking achievements. Join us as we explore the many interesting sides of Kizzmekia Corbett’s amazing life story, from her science achievements to her hobbies and projects.

1. She Grew Up in a Large Family

Hillsborough is a small town in North Carolina where she grew up. She and her step-siblings were raised by their mother. Since her mother also took in foster children, there was often more than one other kid living with them at any given time. Her faith is still important to her even though she is no longer a child.

2. During High School, She Worked in Research Labs for the Summer

Through ProjectSEED, she did things while she was in high school. The American Chemical Society website says that this program gives students from low-income families the chance to study in labs across the United States.

Kizzmekia had the chance to work with researcher James Morken while she was in this program. His main area of interest is organic chemistry, and she thought this was a great way to learn. She might not have become a scientist if not for this program.

3. She Has a PhD in Two Fields: Microbiology and Immunology

It took her six years of hard work to get her PhD in 2014. At the University of North Carolina, she worked on her PhD. When she was done with her PhD, she went back to work at the National Institutes of Health as a virus immunologist and research fellow. She has become an expert in making vaccines against the different types of Coronavirus. We learned a lot about the SARS and MERS viruses from her.

4. She Has Worked on a Dengue Fever Vaccine Before

She has worked on the search for a vaccine in the past. This was for Dengue Fever, a condition that is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas. This work was part of her PhD paper that she turned in. Her study was mostly about how children from Sri Lanka made antibodies against the disease. She worked on this project for a while while she was in Sri Lanka.

5. She Was Part Of The Team That Welcomed Donald Trump To The Vaccine Research Center

Trump went to the Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center in March 2020. Their work to find a cure was something she could talk to him about. The team talked at a meeting about when the vaccine might be ready and how well it might work. This visit happened early on in the virus’s spread when there weren’t many cases or deaths. After that, things got worse very quickly, which made the need for a vaccine even more important.

6. Her Team Was The First To Start Working On A Covid-19 Vaccine

Once the virus’s genetic code was made public, work on a vaccine could begin. This was done by the team led by Kizzmekia only two months after the sequence was found.

The United States was the first country to start working on a vaccine, but soon after, other countries also began their studies. Most likely, teams from other countries, like the one she is in charge of, will work together and share what they’ve learned to fix this global issue.

7. She is Interested in Science Because She Wants to Help Other People

Black Enterprise asked her what she felt like she could do to help the world as a scientist. The thing in question is very important to her. She is getting a lot of attention for her work on the Covid-19 vaccine, but she goes about it the same way she does any other job. It doesn’t bother her that people are looking at her; she stays focused on the job at hand.


Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett’s journey from a caring household to ground-breaking scientific breakthroughs exemplifies her commitment to service via research. Her crucial involvement in vaccine research, as well as her desire to assist others, distinguish her as a beacon of hope and progress during difficult times. Her tale is one of inspiration, demonstrating that determination and compassion can truly transform the world.

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