Georgia Father Charged of Murdering His Daughter by Starving and Neglecting Her


Rodney McWeay, a father in Georgia who was recently charged with murder, was found to have severely malnourished and neglected his 4-year-old daughter Treasure McWeay.

This is deeply upsetting news. The shocking facts of this terrible case have come to light almost a month after Treasure’s death on December 11 at an Atlanta children’s hospital.

Atlanta Police say that Treasure had less than an ounce of water in her stomach when she died, which shows how badly she had been cared for and how much she had been suffering. After that, on December 21, Rodney McWeay was caught and charged with murder.

Law & Crime looked at court records and found that McWeay is also charged with 13 more counts, such as first- and second-degree child abuse, theft, and false imprisonment.

Worryingly, these records also show that Treasure is said to have been abused from May 2021 to December 2023. It is important to note that McWeay was first charged with battery and family violence in June 2022.

According to police records, McWeay has been spending less time with his family lately, and a family member told police that he is having trouble with an addiction to ketamine, which is also known as “special k.”

This truly heartbreaking case shows how important it is to stop child abuse and neglect right away, and how terrible the results can be. As the investigation goes on, Rodney McWeay is now likely to face major civil consequences for what he is said to have done.

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