Former Covert Nuclear Plant In Florida Is Now A Tunnel Ghost Town


People were afraid and didn’t know what would happen during the Cold War because there was a risk of nuclear war. In answer, the US government built several secret sites to store and put together nuclear weapons in case there was a war with the USSR.

There was one of these places in Mount Dora, Florida, hidden under an orange grove. It was the biggest underground shelter for atomic bombs in the country. It was built to protect about 100 wealthy people from the effects of a nuclear attack. But now, the building has been left empty and is falling apart. It’s like a dead town with tunnels and rooms that not many people know about.

History of The Building

It was built in 1961, during the height of the Cold War, and is also known as the “catacombs.” It was a project of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP). It was part of the national effort to store nuclear weapons. The basement space of the building was 5,000 square feet and was split into different areas, such as family homes, an arsenal, a generator room, a ventilation system, and a morgue.

The building had a 2,000-pound steel door that could only be opened from the outside. This meant that the survivors would be trapped inside forever. They planned to use partly dug tunnels to get out of the catacombs, bringing radiation-free seeds to plant on the top after the nuclear war.

No one, not even some of the local government, knew about the center. The shelter only let 25 families from the nearby town of Mount Dora in because they were wealthy and had a lot of power. They had to pay a lot of money to reserve their spot, and they were given a code name and a plan to help them find the door.

They also had to sign a document promising not to tell anyone about the safety and leave anyone behind who did not make it there before the door closed.

How The Facility Is Right Now

The Mount Dora bomb bunker was never put to use because there was no nuclear war at the end of the Cold War. In the late 1980s, the plant was shut down, and the nuclear weapons were taken out and moved to other places. The AEC and the AFSWP left the site, taking most of the goods and equipment with them.

The building was then sold to a private owner, who tried to make it a tourist draw but couldn’t get the right licenses and permits. The owner gave up on the project in the end and left the building to fall apart.

The building is mostly still there today, but it is in bad shape. The air system is broken, the generator is out of fuel, and the water supply is dirty. The steel door is rusted and stuck. There is still food in cans, medicine, books, and papers on the shelves, but there is mold and dust on them.

The rooms are full of old furniture, clothes, toys, and other things that families left behind but never used. The building is also full of rats, spiders, and other bugs that are dangerous to people’s health and safety.

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In Summary

The Mount Dora bomb bunker is a creepy and interesting piece of Cold War history that reminds us of how scared and paranoid people were during that time. It also shows how much people want to live and protect life, even if the end of the world is coming. The building is a secret gem for people who like to explore cities and learn about the past. It gives people a glimpse of what life would have been like after the nuclear war.

The building is also a danger zone, though, so anyone who wants to go there should be careful and show respect. People aren’t allowed to go into the building, and it’s illegal and dangerous to do so. The building is also a part of the area’s history, so it should be kept safe for future generations. People no longer live in the Mount Dora bomb shelter, but it is an important part of history that should not be lost.

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