Discover Top Five Scariest Ghost Towns in South Carolina That Will Give You Chills


South Carolina, a state famed for its vibrant history and cultural riches, contains a hidden gem: ghost towns. These derelict towns, once bustling with activity, now remain in unnerving silence, overrun by nature. Although they appear abandoned, these ghost towns provide an intriguing peek into South Carolina’s history. Each town, from Ferguson’s buried ruins to Ellenton’s creepy streets, has a unique narrative that adds to the state’s history.

1. The Haunted Town of Ferguson

Ferguson, created in 1881 to aid a neighboring lumber industry, has a rich historical heritage. It was formerly a busy community with lots of activity. However, following the company’s demise in 1917, the town rapidly degraded and was finally abandoned. Ferguson is still mostly submerged in Lake Marion. The submerged ruins serve as a sad emblem of a bygone era, hidden under the water’s surface.

2. The Haunted Town of Ellenton

Ellenton, a charming abandoned settlement, has an intriguing historical past. Founded as a railroad town in the mid-nineteenth century, it saw a racial riot in 1876.

The town’s eventual demise occurred in the 1950s when the United States Atomic Energy Commission purchased it for the Savannah River Site, a nuclear reactor. As a result, the residents were compelled to depart, leaving Ellenton a small and abandoned town. Today, just the remnant streets and historic driveways serve as reminders of its existence.

3. The Haunted Town of Dorchester

Dorchester, formerly a thriving community, is today regarded as one of South Carolina’s best-preserved ghost towns. While there, you may learn about the area’s rich history by seeing the ancient cemetery, historic homes, and remains of structures from the 1800s.

The relics give a physical link to the past, allowing visitors to fully interact with Dorchester’s history. Dorchester’s decline began before the Revolutionary War when many residents chose to relocate to neighboring Summerville. This steady migration finally led to the community’s abandonment.

4. The Haunted Town of Sandy Island

Sandy Island, a beautiful beachfront village, adds to the enigmatic attraction of South Carolina’s ghost towns. It was formerly a prosperous textile village but is now an abandoned place surrounded by beautiful forests and twisting rivers.

The abandoned houses, deteriorating church, and deserted general store are harsh reminders of a once-thriving community that has now succumbed to the passage of time.

5. The Haunted Town of Andersonville

Andersonville, founded in 1801 as a textile community, faced potential catastrophe from major floods in 1840 and 1852.

Lake Hartwell’s expansion led to the town’s collapse since a large portion of it became underwater. Andersonville can only be accessible by boat, providing a rare opportunity for daring individuals to learn about its historical importance.


Ghost towns in South Carolina include Ferguson, Ellenton, Dorchester, Sandy Island, and Andersonville, which tell stories from bygone ages. These towns, which were once lively communities, are now silent, submerged, or abandoned, preserving mysteries from the state’s past.

From sunken ruins to lonely streets, these ghost towns provide a hauntingly beautiful and interesting peek into South Carolina’s rich past, reminding us that history’s echoes live on, even in the eerie quiet of these lost places.

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