Discover the Top 5 Worst Places to Live in Ohio That You Should Avoid in 2024


We embark on an exploration of Ohio, looking beyond the picturesque landscapes and prospering villages to discover the less favorable areas of the Buckeye State. In this guide to the “Worst Places to Live in Ohio,” we look at the variables that contribute to the problems that some communities experience. From economic challenges to high crime rates and distinctive local issues, we shed light on regions where individuals’ living conditions may fall short of their expectations. Join us on this tour as we uncover and evaluate the problems that plague these areas, providing insights into the less-than-ideal aspects of living in Ohio.

1. Trotwood

  • Population: 23,125.
  • Average home price is $115,023.
  • Median income is $46,442.
  • Unemployment rate: 8.4%
  • Crime per capita: 0.0383.

Trotwood is located in southwest Ohio, just outside Dayton. The community is plagued by a slew of issues, the most pressing of which is an underdeveloped economy. This exacerbates issues with education and crime, making this the second worst location to live in Ohio.

The slow economy is seen in numbers such as an 8.4% unemployment rate and a median income of $46,442. Trotwood’s 23,125 residents also have safety concerns. The crime rate in the area is around 30% higher than the national average. The schools are also subpar, scoring only 5/10 on Great Schools.

Trotwood residents have ways to forget their concerns. For example, they can visit the lovely Madison Lakes Park in the town’s south.

2. New Carlisle

  • Population: 5,579.
  • The average home price is $218,232.
  • Median income is $56,744.
  • Unemployment rate: 17.1%
  • Crime per capita: 0.0573.

New Carlisle, located in southwest Ohio, about 25 minutes from Dayton, is the scene of a well-known crime. Bank robber John Dillinger robbed one of the town’s institutions in 1933. That may have set the tone for the town, which is currently Ohio’s worst location.

The majority of New Carlisle’s 5,579 residents are concerned about finding work. To be particular, there aren’t enough of them. The unemployment rate is at 17.1%. In addition, the town’s educational system is subpar, with its finest school receiving only a 6/10 on GreatSchools.

However, not everything in town is bad. Residents can spend their weekends at the New Carlisle Pool or the Sugar Isle Golf Course.

3. Wellston

  • Population: 5,420 (average). Home Price: $91,085.
  • Median income: $51,597.
  • Unemployment rate: 5.6%.
  • Crime per capita: 0.0244.

Wellston is located in southeast Ohio, a less densely populated area of the state. It is approximately an hour and a half outside of Columbus and two hours from Cincinnati. However, moving away from big towns does not guarantee an idyllic rural situation. Wellston is Ohio’s fourth least desirable location.

Residents are unable to realize their full potential due to the area’s stagnant job environment. The unemployment rate is 5.6%, with median income of $51,597. These financial troubles have a knock-on effect in other areas of life. Other important concerns facing the town are poor schools and high crime rates.

Still, the people of Wellston derive some benefit from their rural setting. Lake Alma State Park, located just outside of town, offers a variety of outdoor activities.

4. Cleveland

  • Population: 370,365.
  • The average home price is $100,343.
  • Median income: $37,271.
  • Unemployment rate: 11.9 %
  • Crime per capita: 0.0583.

Cleveland is one of Ohio’s largest cities, with a population of 370,365 people. Unfortunately, they could probably do better elsewhere. Cleveland ranks as the fifth most undesirable location in the state.

Cleveland, like many other large industrial cities in the Midwest, has experienced economic turmoil in recent decades. This has resulted in an unemployment rate of 11.9% and a staggering 31.2% poverty rate.

Along with these financial difficulties, residents suffer a crime rate that is 140% higher than the national average. Additional problems include schools and housing.

Of course, a city of this magnitude has its attractions. Aside from its numerous professional sports teams, you may also visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

5. Warren

  • Population: 39,204.
  • Average home price is $90,619.
  • Median income is $33,296.
  • Unemployment rate: 8.6%
  • Crime per capita: 0.0328.

Warren, Ohio, is sadly known as one of the worst cities in the state. With a high crime rate and safety problems, it has earned the reputation of being a dangerous place to live. The city’s violent crime rate is frightening, with 171 documented incidents in 2021 alone. This includes homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Furthermore, property crime is a major concern, with 1,009 reported incidents during the same time.

Warren’s position in Trumbull County provides certain benefits within the Youngstown-Warren metropolitan area, but it cannot escape its difficult conditions. Poverty rates are high, with many residents struggling financially. The median income of $30,377 is lower than the state average, adding to economic hardship for both individuals and families. However, it is crucial to emphasize that Warren’s future can be improved with concerted efforts and community involvement.

Final Words

As we travel through Ohio, we’ve found villages with major issues that make them unattractive places to live. These places demonstrate inhabitants’ numerous challenges, from Trotwood’s economic struggles to New Carlisle’s high unemployment and crime rates, Wellston’s stagnating job market to Cleveland and Warren’s urban complications, and worrying crime rates. Each place is different, but they all need focused efforts to address economic, educational, and safety challenges to enhance living circumstances and give citizens a better future.

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