Cities Most at Risk During Nuclear War, One in Kentucky


Nuclear war is a terrifying prospect that many fear. Despite aspirations for avoidance, growing tensions between nuclear-armed nations such as the United States and Russia highlight the threat’s persistence. In such a bleak situation, which US cities are most likely to become targets, and could there be surprise hazards hiding in unexpected locations like Kentucky?

The Six Primary Targets

Irwin Redlener, a Columbia University disaster preparedness expert, names six major US cities as prime targets: New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. These cities have key infrastructure, such as financial hubs, government headquarters, and energy facilities, which makes them appealing to foes looking to cause maximum havoc and mayhem.

Other Potential Targets:

Beyond these core targets, a widely circulated map based on numerous data sources implies that other areas may be in the sights. States like Montana, North Dakota, Colorado, and Wyoming, which have intercontinental ballistic missile silos and military sites, might be strategic targets. States with operational nuclear reactors, including Alabama, Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, may also be at risk.

The Unexpected Kentucky City

Lexington, Kentucky, is an unexpected possible target. Despite being the state’s second-largest city and home to monuments like the University of Kentucky and the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington has a darker side. It houses the Blue Grass Army Depot, which stores chemical weapons and conventional munitions such as mustard gas, sarin, and the VX nerve agent. Though attempts to destroy these weapons are underway, they are not likely to be completed until 2023, making Lexington exposed to a secondary chemical disaster if a nuclear confrontation occurs.

Read More: Three Ohio Hometowns Among The Worst ‘Small Cities In America’

The Conclusion

While the particular effects of a nuclear war are unknown, certain places are considered more vulnerable based on conceivable scenarios and accessible data. The risk spectrum ranges from major cities to rural areas containing nuclear assets. Diplomacy, collaboration, and disarmament are the best safeguards against nuclear disasters. Nonetheless, preparation and awareness are critical, ensuring that people understand which regions to avoid or evacuate in the event of a disaster.

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