California Just Approved a New Law That Will Raise Wages and Standards for Fast-food Restaurant Workers


California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed groundbreaking legislation that will increase the minimum wage for fast-food workers from $15 to $20 per hour beginning April 1, 2024.

The new law would also establish the Fast Food Council, a nine-member group with the ability to set industry-wide standards for working conditions, health and safety, and training.

Why This Law Matters

The new law represents a significant triumph for California’s more than 500,000 fast-food workers, who have been battling for higher salaries and improved working conditions for years. Many of these workers are low-income immigrants, women, and people of color who work long hours, have erratic schedules, have minimal benefits, and are exposed to COVID-19 and other risks.

According to a University of California, Berkeley survey, fast-food workers in California earn an average of $16.21 per hour, which is insufficient to cover basic living expenses in the state. The survey also discovered that 63% of fast-food employees rely on public assistance programs, which cost taxpayers $4 billion every year.

By raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour, the new law would increase fast-food workers’ salaries and living standards, lessen their reliance on public assistance, and promote the local economy. The bill would also give workers a stronger voice and representation on the Fast Food Council, which will handle topics including health and safety, training, and job promotion.

How This Law Will Impact the Fast-Food Industry

The new regulation will have various implications for the fast-food business. First, it would increase labor expenses for fast-food operators, who will be required to pay higher salaries and comply with the Fast Food Council’s guidelines. Some firms may attempt to offset these expenses by increasing pricing, cutting workers, or investing in automation.

Second, it will increase the quality and productivity of the fast-food workers by providing higher compensation, better working conditions, and more training opportunities. Some studies have found that greater salaries can reduce turnover, absenteeism, and stress while increasing morale, loyalty, and customer satisfaction among fast-food employees.

Third, it will serve as a precedent and example for other governments and companies to follow. California is the first state in the US to pass such a broad and progressive law for fast-food workers. The law represents the rising awareness and support for fast-food workers’ rights and dignity, which have been organized and mobilized for years as part of the Fight for $15 movement.


California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that will raise the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour starting April 1, 2024. This is a big step forward. This important win solves the problems of more than 500,000 workers, mostly low-income immigrants, women, and people of color.

It gives them higher pay, better working conditions, and a voice on the Fast Food Council. The law sets a positive example that could encourage other states and businesses to put workers’ rights first.

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