7 Reasons Why No One Moves to Georgia


Georgia is a state in the southeastern United States recognized for its rich history, diversified culture, and stunning natural beauty. Despite its many charms, Georgia is not a popular choice for those wishing to relocate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Georgia experienced a net migration loss of 8,643 individuals in 2023, indicating that more people left the state than moved in. Why is that? Here are some potential reasons why no one is relocating to Georgia.

1. High crime rate

The high crime rate is one of the most significant deterrents for those thinking about coming to Georgia. According to the FBI, Georgia had the nation’s sixth-highest violent crime rate and fourth-highest property crime rate in 2022. Some of Georgia’s most dangerous cities are Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, and Augusta. Crime can have an impact on the quality of life, safety, and economic possibilities for both inhabitants and potential newcomers.

2. Poor educational system

Another reason people may resist moving to Georgia is the state’s inadequate educational system. Georgia was placed 39th among the 50 states in terms of education in 2023 by U.S. News and World Report, based on characteristics such as pre-kindergarten quality, high school graduation rate, college preparedness, and higher education attainment. Georgia is also placed 46th in terms of public school spending per pupil in 2021, according to the National Education Association. A low-quality educational system can limit the opportunities and potential of students and workers in the state.

3. High cost of living

A third reason why people may be hesitant to relocate to Georgia is the high expense of living. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Georgia had the 14th-highest regional price parity in the US in 2021, indicating that the state’s prices for goods and services were higher than the national average. Housing, transportation, healthcare, and groceries are among the most expensive commodities in Georgia. A high cost of living can diminish the purchasing power and disposable income of both inhabitants and potential newcomers.

4. Unfavourable Climate

A fourth reason people may avoid migrating to Georgia is the poor weather. Georgia has a humid subtropical climate, which means hot and humid summers, mild winters, and heavy precipitation. Georgia is also vulnerable to natural disasters such hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. The environment can have an impact on the comfort, health, and well-being of both locals and potential newcomers.

5. Political instability

The sixth reason people may avoid moving to Georgia is political instability. Georgia has been a battleground state in previous elections, with tight and acrimonious campaigns for the presidency, Senate, and House of Representatives. Georgia has also faced controversy and criticism for its voting regulations, which some argue are restrictive and discriminatory. The political climate can cause uncertainty, division, and conflict among current residents and future newcomers.

6. Lack of diversity

A sixth reason why people may avoid migrating to Georgia is a lack of variety. In 2020, Georgia had 64.1% whites, 31.9% blacks, 4.4% Asians, 9.8% Hispanics, and 3.1% other races, according to the US Census. Georgia also had a low foreign-born population in 2020, at 10.1%, compared to the national average of 13.7%. A lack of variety can limit inhabitants’ and potential newcomers’ exposure to, contact with, and integration of other cultures, perspectives, and experiences.

7. Low Happiness Level

The seventh reason people may avoid moving to Georgia is a lack of contentment. According to WalletHub, Georgia placed 37th out of 50 states in terms of happiness in 2023, taking into account criteria such as mental and physical well-being, job environment, and community and environment. Georgia was also placed 41st in terms of life expectancy at birth in 2020, according to the WHO. A low level of happiness can have an impact on the contentment, fulfillment, and optimism of inhabitants and potential arrivals.


Georgia is a state with numerous favorable characteristics, including its history, culture, and nature. However, it has numerous obstacles, including crime, education, the expense of living, climate, politics, diversity, and happiness. These reasons may deter people from moving to Georgia, or perhaps urge them to leave the state. Georgia may need to solve these concerns to increase its appeal and competitiveness as a destination to live, work, and flourish.

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