Discover 5 Worst Neighborhoods in Fulton County, Georgia


Fulton County, is Georgia’s most populated county, with more than a million citizens. This county includes Atlanta, the state capital, which has a multitude of cultural, educational, and economic attractions. However, the county is not uniformly safe or rich.

Locations are suffering substantial obstacles, such as high crime rates, poverty, and social concerns that discourage inhabitants. This article focuses on five of Fulton County’s most difficult areas, as identified by statistics from and Census Reporter.

1. English Avenue

English Avenue, located in northwest Atlanta, has a past marked by poverty, drug use, and murder. It is one of the city’s poorest regions, with a median family income of $17,624 and a shocking poverty rate of 46.5%. Approximately 95% of the population is African American.

English Avenue takes the brunt of property and violent crimes, namely robbery, assault, and homicide. Surprisingly, this neighborhood was the worst in Atlanta in 2020, with 19 homicides. Furthermore, it addresses concerns such as blight, homelessness, and a lack of basic services.

2. Grove Park

Grove Park, located in northwest Atlanta, suffers comparable difficulties as English Avenue. It is close to Bankhead Highway, which is infamous for drug trafficking and prostitution. Approximately 88% of its people are African American, with a typical family income of $25,873 and a 35.9% poverty rate.

Grove Park, like English Avenue, has a high prevalence of property and violent crime, namely burglary, theft, and serious assault. In 2020, it had ten homicides, making it Atlanta’s third deadliest area. Environmental difficulties like as pollution from surrounding industrial facilities and floods from Proctor Creek exacerbate the community’s problems.

3. Center Hill

Center Hill, located in west Atlanta, shares boundaries with Grove Park and English Avenue. The population is 94% African American, with a median family income of $28,590 and a poverty rate of 31.4%. Robbery, car theft, and rape are common forms of property and violent crime.

In 2020, this neighborhood had nine murders, ranking fourth on Atlanta’s list of deadliest districts. Center Hill suffers issues such as urban deterioration, unemployment, and poor educational attainment.

4. Mechanicsville

Mechanicsville, located in southern Atlanta, was once a flourishing industrial area. However, industrial collapse and the development of roads damaged the neighborhood’s connectedness, resulting in isolation and neglect. Approximately 84% of the population is African American, with a typical family income of $19,469 and a staggering 48% poverty rate.

Mechanicsville has a high property and violent crime rate, notably arson, theft, and homicide. In 2020, there were eight murders, placing it fifth in Atlanta. The area also faces difficulties such as drug addiction, homelessness, and gentrification.

5. Adamsville

Adamsville, located in southwest Atlanta, has seen a demographic change from a mostly white suburb to a predominantly African American town with a poor socioeconomic standing. Around 96% of its people are African Americans, with a typical family income of $31,210 and a 27% poverty rate.

Adamsville has high property and violent crime rates, including vandalism, carjacking, and domestic violence. In 2020, it had seven homicides, placing sixth in Atlanta. The community also suffers issues such as poor infrastructure, limited public transit alternatives, and low civic involvement.

Final Words

Fulton County, Georgia, which includes Atlanta, has cultural and economic attractions but also faces difficulty in some areas. English Avenue, Grove Park, Center Hill, Mechanicsville, and Adamsville confront significant obstacles, including high crime rates, poverty, and social concerns. The urgent need for targeted interventions to address economic inequities, crime, and community well-being highlights the necessity of Fulton County’s overall equitable development plans.

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