When President Joe Biden Visited, The Late Queen Elizabeth Ii Insisted On Serving Tea


In addition to her considerate leadership and kind disposition, the late Queen Elizabeth II was also well-liked for her informal charitable work. Furthermore, according to Robert Hardman’s recently published biography, The Making of a King: King Charles III and the Modern Monarchy, the late Queen welcomed President Joe Biden and his spouse Jill to Windsor Castle in June 2021. The First Lady told Hardman that the late Queen ‘insisted’ on holding the teapot for the final cup of tea she and President Biden shared.

“Joe and I simply decided to go,” she revealed exclusively in a People extract. We approached her flat upstairs. I also admired her feeling of self-reliance. Her teapot was large. Joe then greeted her, saying, “Here, let me help you.” But the Queen had been quite particular. “No, no, no. She said to the President, “You sit.” “I’ll be there for you.”

“Here she was with this big teapot pouring tea, and we had the best time because she has such a sense of curiosity,” said Dr. Biden. “She inquired about everything related to American politics, current affairs, and the president’s opinions of various individuals and occasions. The former First Lady of the United States recalled it with fondness, noting that it was every American’s “picture” of a traditional British tea party—especially when “her little dogs came in.” The First Lady recalled the occasion of the late Queen’s funeral, saying, “Joe and I simply made the decision to go. We were all raised by the Queen. She had a significant role in our lives. She was a truly lovely, remarkable, outstanding woman who seemed to be there no matter what.”

Reuters reports that Biden was one of the 14 US presidents whom Elizabeth personally spoke with while she was queen. After paying respects to the Queen while she lay in state at Westminster and affixing his signature to a book of condolences, Biden declared, “Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people of England and the United Kingdom. We were all lucky to have her for seventy years, including you. She is the better of the world.” He said that she would be “with him every step of the way, every minute, every moment and that’s a reassuring notion” and that he had reassured the queen’s successor, King Charles.

In his homage, which was uploaded on the White House website, Biden called her “a stateswoman of unmatched dignity and constancy who deepened the bedrock alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States.” “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was more than a monarch,” the statement added. She brought a period to life. She was a reassuring presence in a world of perpetual change, providing generations of Britons with solace and pride—many of whom had never known their nation without her. Across the Commonwealth, a shared admiration for Queen Elizabeth II remained unwavering. During the seven decades of her historic reign, human dignity advanced at an unprecedented rate and human advancement was witnessed.”

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