This Missouri City Has Been Named for Smoking More Weed Than Anywhere Else in the State


Kansas City, Missouri is famous for many things, like food, music, sports, and art. Drug dealing is another bad thing that the city is known for.

A new study from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says that Kansas City is one of the main drug trafficking hubs in the Midwest and the drug trafficking capital of the state of Kansas.

Kansas City’s Drug Problem

The DEA report, which covers the months of January through June 2023, lists the most common drugs in Kansas City and where they come from. According to the study, the most common drugs found in the city are methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, and weed. These drugs are mostly brought in by Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) and local street gangs.

Read more: This Texas City Has Been Named for Smoking More Weed Than Anywhere Else in the State

The study says that methamphetamine is the most dangerous drug in Kansas City. In the past few years, there have been more meth seizures, arrests, and deaths in the city. This is because Mexican TCOs have made it easier to bring cheap, high-quality meth across the border.

Over 90% of the meth in Kansas City comes from Mexico, according to the study. It is brought into the city illegally by commercial trucks, private cars, mail, and messengers, among other things.

Also, hazardous drugs in Kansas City are heroin and fentanyl, especially for people who use opioids. According to the study, heroin mostly comes from Mexico and Colombia. It is also mixed with fentanyl, a man-made drug that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine.

Carfentanil and drugs like fentanyl are also brought into the city illegally from China, Mexico, and Canada. They are sold as fake pills or powders. The study says that people who aren’t aware of the dangers of fentanyl and its analogs are very likely to overdose and die.

The study also says that marijuana and cocaine are the other main drugs in Kansas City. Most cocaine comes from Mexico and Colombia, and Mexican TCOs and local gangs sell it. Because of a bigger supply of cocaine around the world, the study says that both use and access have grown in the city.

The main places where marijuana comes from are Mexico, California, and Colorado. Mexican TCOs, local gangs, and private sellers all sell it. The study says that even though marijuana is now legal in some nearby states, use and availability have stayed the same in the city.

Kansas City Drug Enforcement and Prevention

In addition, the DEA study talks about what Kansas City police are doing to fight drug abuse and crime. Among the most important drug discoveries and arrests in the city in the first half of 2023, the report lists the following:

1). There was a drug stash house in Kansas City in February that was raided by DEA officers and local police. They found more than 400 pounds of meth, 16 pounds of heroin, 6 pounds of fentanyl, and 12 guns. Four people who were suspected of having ties to a Mexican TCO were arrested as a result of the operation.

2.) More than 200 pounds of meth, 10 pounds of heroin, 4 pounds of fentanyl, and 8 guns were taken from a tractor-trailer in Kansas City in March by DEA officers and local cops. Two people who were suspected of having ties to a Mexican TCO were arrested as a result of the operation.

3). DEA officers and local cops in Kansas City found a drug stash house in April and took 5 guns, more than 100 pounds of meth, 5 pounds of heroin, and 3 pounds of fentanyl. Three people who were suspected of having ties to a Mexican TCO were arrested as a result of the operation.

4). In May, the DEA and local police in Kansas City found a house full of drugs and took 3 guns, more than 50 pounds of meth, 2 pounds of heroin, and 1 pound of fentanyl. Two people who were suspected of having ties to a Mexican TCO were arrested as a result of the operation.

5). In June, the DEA and local police in Kansas City found a house full of drugs and took more than 25 pounds of meth, 1 pound of heroin, 0.5 pounds of fentanyl, and 2 guns. One suspect was caught as a result of the operation. He was thought to have ties to a Mexican TCO.

Also read: This New Hampshire City Smokes the 3rd Most Weed in America

The study also talks about some of the projects and programs in Kansas City that are meant to stop and help drug addiction. These include

  • One is the Kansas City Drug Court, a special kind of court where drug criminals can get help and be watched instead of going to jail.
  • The Kansas City Drug Take Back Program is held every other year and lets people safely get rid of prescription drugs that are no longer needed or have expired at certain places.


  • There is a program in Kansas City schools called the Kansas City Drug Education Program that teaches kids and their parents about the risks and effects of drug use and abuse.


  • The Kansas City Drug Treatment Program is a community-based program that helps people and families who are addicted to drugs get access to different kinds of drug treatment and healing services.

Final Words

The DEA research says that Kansas City is one of the most important drug hubs in the Midwest. Methamphetamine is the most common and dangerous drug in the city. Many of the drugs come from Mexico and are sold by TCOs and gangs in the neighborhood.

There are still drug problems, even though the DEA and local cops have made some big arrests and busts. More needs to be done to stop the drug trade, help people who are addicted to drugs, and teach people about the dangers of drug abuse.

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