This City in Wyoming Has Been Named the Most Miserable in the State


Wyoming is known for its natural beauty, low population, and high standard of living. However, not every city in the Equality State enjoys equal happiness and prosperity. According to a recent analysis by RoadSnacks, a website that assesses towns based on a variety of characteristics, Glenrock is Wyoming’s most unhappy city.

What Makes Glenrock So Miserable?

RoadSnacks examined a variety of metrics to identify Wyoming’s most unhappy cities for 2023. Poverty, unemployment, income, education, crime, weather, and commute were among the variables considered. The website also looked at the proportion of married families and homes with children as indications of social stability and family life.

Glenrock had the lowest score of any of the 31 cities examined by RoadSnacks based on these parameters. The research discovered that Glenrock has the following concerns.

  • The poverty rate is 7.3%, greater than the state average of 6.5%.
  • The typical house price is $196,500, lower than the state average of $237,600.
  • A low proportion of married households (23%) and households with children (44.8%), indicating a lack of community and family ties.
  • A high crime rate (16% more than the national average).
  • The country’s lowest income growth rate.

How Does Glenrock Compare to Other Wyoming Cities?

Glenrock is not Wyoming’s lone city facing problems and tribulations. The RoadSnacks survey also revealed other cities with poor happiness scores, including Green River, Mills, Bar Nunn, and Evansville. These cities also have high levels of poverty, low income, poor education, and high crime rates.

However, Glenrock is the only city that received a low score on practically every criterion analyzed by RoadSnacks. According to the research, “Glenrock has it rough” and “there’s not a lot of reason to be overly optimistic here”.

On the other hand, certain cities in Wyoming have a good quality of life and an optimistic attitude. The survey ranked Cody as Wyoming’s happiest city, followed by Afton, Lander, Sheridan, and Jackson. These cities feature low poverty, high income, high education levels, low crime rates, and pleasant weather and commuting circumstances.

How Can Glenrock Improve Its Situation?

RoadSnacks’ research provided no particular ideas or remedies for Glenrock or any other Wyoming city. However, it did accept that “there’s a difference between being miserable and being unhappy” and that “there are always things to be grateful for”

Perhaps Glenrock can draw inspiration and optimism from its history and culture. Glenrock is a historic town that began in 1862 as a stage stop on the Oregon Trail. It is also home to the Deer Creek Museum, which displays the local history and pioneer artifacts. Glenrock is also noted for its yearly festivities, which include the Glenrock Rodeo, the Glenrock Art Show, and the Glenrock Holiday Parade.

Glenrock may not be Wyoming’s most affluent or popular city, but it does have a distinct personality and a rich history. Perhaps by embracing its past and appreciating its present, Glenrock can overcome its issues and build a brighter future for itself and its citizens.


In conclusion, Glenrock, Wyoming suffers several obstacles, earning the distinction of the state’s most miserable city, according to RoadSnacks. High poverty rates, poor income, a lack of community and family bonds, and increased crime rates all contribute to the country’s low happiness score. While no concrete remedies were recommended, embracing the city’s historical and cultural character can promote hope and perseverance in the face of problems.

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