This City in Oklahoma Has Been Named the Highest Crime Rate in the State


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma’s capital and largest city has the highest crime rate in the state, according to the FBI’s most recent data. In 2020, the city recorded a total of 25,639 crimes or 3,701.2 crimes per 100,000 people.

This is 59.25% greater than the national average and 1.7 times the US average. Oklahoma City is ranked #286 out of 317 cities in Oklahoma and #8,749 out of 9,869 cities in the United States.

Violent Crime in Oklahoma City

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forceful rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are the four offenses that constitute a violent crime. Oklahoma City had 4,323 violent offenses in 2020, resulting in a violent crime rate of 6.29 per 1,000 persons.

This is greater than the national median of 4 per 1,000 people and more than in 94.9% of American cities. The likelihood of becoming a victim of a violent crime in Oklahoma City is 1 in 159, compared to 1 in 226 in Oklahoma and 1 in 243 nationwide.

Aggravated assault was the most prevalent violent crime in Oklahoma City in 2020, with 3,049 reported instances, followed by robbery (646), rape (546), and murder (82). Oklahoma City’s murder rate was 0.12 per 1,000 population, higher than the national average of 0.07 per 1,000.

Property Crime in Oklahoma City

Burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson are all types of property crimes. Oklahoma City had 25,702 property offenses in 2020, resulting in a property crime rate of 37.37 per 1,000 people. This is greater than the national median of 19 per 1,000 persons and more than in 90.5% of American cities. The chances of becoming a victim of a property crime in Oklahoma City are 1 in 27, compared to 1 in 38 in Oklahoma and 1 in 37 nationwide.

The most prevalent property crime in Oklahoma City was larceny theft, with 15,812 recorded crimes in 2020, followed by burglary (6,385) and motor vehicle theft (3,505). Oklahoma City’s motor vehicle theft rate was 5.1 per 1,000 inhabitants, greater than the national average of 2.68 per 1,000.

Why is Oklahoma City so crime-ridden?

Poverty, unemployment, education, drug usage, gang activity, and police resources are just a few of the variables that might be contributing to Oklahoma City’s high crime rate. According to the United States Census Bureau, Oklahoma City’s poverty rate was 16.3% in 2019, higher than the state rate of 15.2% and the national rate of 12.3%.

In October 2021, Oklahoma City’s unemployment rate was 6.1%, higher than the state’s average of 4.2% and the national rate of 4.6%. Oklahoma City’s high school graduation rate was 84.8% in 2019, lower than the state’s rate of 86.5% and the national rate of 88%.

Drug misuse is also a serious issue in Oklahoma City, with the state ranking among the top in the country for opioid prescriptions, overdose fatalities, and methamphetamine usage. Gang activity is also prominent in Oklahoma City, where an estimated 5,000 gang members belong to over 130 groups.

Oklahoma City’s police resources are likewise stretched thin, having one of the lowest ratios of cops per capita in the country, with only 1.6 officers per 1,000 persons, compared to the national average of 2.4 officers per 1,000 residents.


Oklahoma City has troubling crime rates, topping the state statistics. In 2020, it had 3,701.2 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants, much higher than national statistics. The violent crime rate, particularly severe assaults, is alarmingly high, jeopardizing individuals’ safety. Property crime, particularly larceny-theft, exacerbates the city’s problems. Poverty, unemployment, education, drug usage, gang activity, and limited police resources all contribute to Oklahoma City’s continuous crime problem.

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