This City in Nevada Has the Highest Marijuana Consumption Rate in the U.S


Marijuana, often known as cannabis, is a plant containing psychoactive substances that can affect the user’s mood, perception, and cognition. Marijuana is allowed for both medicinal and recreational use in Nevada, one of the 18 states in the United States that have legalized the narcotic for adults. However, not all Nevada localities have equal levels of marijuana usage. A recent survey identified one city in particular as having the highest marijuana usage rate in the country.

The Research Investigation

The study, done by academics from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, utilized wastewater samples to estimate the quantity of cannabis ingested by inhabitants of different communities in Nevada.

The researchers collected samples from 14 wastewater treatment facilities around the state, covering approximately 55% of the population, and examined them for the presence of THC-COOH, a metabolite of THC, the major psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.

The study discovered that the average daily marijuana intake per capita in Nevada was 14.6 milligrams, which was higher than the national average of 9.8 milligrams published in a comparable survey in 2019. However, the study found considerable differences amongst Nevada communities, with values ranging from 5.5 milligrams to 26.4 milligrams per inhabitant per day.

Understanding Marijuana Use in Las Vegas

Reno, the state’s third-largest city and the county capital of Washoe County has the highest marijuana usage rate in both Nevada and the United States. The research concluded that the average daily marijuana intake per capita in Reno was 26.4 milligrams, which is about double the state average and nearly three times the national average.

The researchers ascribed Reno’s high consumption rate to various variables, including the availability and accessibility of marijuana products, the demographics and tastes of the population, and the city’s tourist and entertainment economy. Reno has ten legal dispensaries inside the city boundaries and another ten in the neighboring county, which sell a wide range of marijuana goods including flowers, edibles, concentrates, and vapes.

Reno also boasts a very young and diversified population, with a median age of 38.3 years and a racial breakdown of 74.5% white, 12.3% Hispanic, 6.3% Asian, 2.7% black, and 4.2% other races. Furthermore, Reno is a popular place for tourists and visitors who may use marijuana recreationally. Reno is well-known for its casinos, hotels, festivals, and outdoor activities, which draw more than 5 million tourists yearly.

 The Effects of High Marijuana Consumption

Legalization: Investigate how the legalization of marijuana in Nevada has affected consumption rates in Las Vegas. Discuss the differences in consumption trends before and following legalization.

Economic: Investigate the economic consequences of increased marijuana usage in Las Vegas. Discuss the income generated by marijuana sales and their influence on the local economy.

Health and Safety: Discuss the health and safety consequences of excessive marijuana use. Include both the possible advantages and hazards of marijuana usage.


In Nevada, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) conducted a study on marijuana usage, utilizing wastewater samples from 14 treatment facilities. The average daily marijuana intake per capita in Nevada was 14.6 milligrams, exceeding the national average. Reno, the state’s third-largest city, emerged with the highest marijuana usage rate in the country at 26.4 milligrams per inhabitant per day.

Factors contributing to Reno’s high consumption include marijuana product availability, demographics, and its role as a tourist hub. Understanding the impact of marijuana legalization in Las Vegas involves examining consumption trends, economic effects, and health and safety implications.

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