The True Story Behind This Oklahoma Haunted Cemetery is Horrible


Oklahoma, located in the heartland, hides a disturbing secret beneath its landscape: a haunting cemetery whose narrative sends shivers down the spine. Unraveling the intriguing tales that resonate through the tombstones, this Oklahoma cemetery hides a horrific haunting story.

From mysterious apparitions to disquieting whispers in the wind, the eerie atmosphere crosses the line between the living and the dead. As we dive into the fascinating history of this haunting burial ground, prepare to face the unnerving encounters and ghostly phenomena that have left their imprint on this disturbing Oklahoma cemetery. Prepare yourself for a voyage into the unknown.

Jesse Creek Cemetery: The Epicenter of Paranormal Activity

Jesse Creek Cemetery, located in south Bartlesville, has been the focus of several paranormal investigations. Locals tell stories about cameras failing within the cemetery’s confines, only to restart regular operation once outside. This strange phenomenon has perplexed many, adding to the creepy atmosphere of the place.

Furthermore, guests have reported hearing unpleasant sounds such as laughs and tears echoing around the cemetery. These mysterious sounds create a feeling of anxiety, increasing the cemetery’s image as a haunted location.

Other Paranormal Cemeteries in Oklahoma.

While Jesse Creek Cemetery is certainly creepy, it isn’t the only haunted cemetery in Oklahoma. The state also has numerous more burial cemeteries known for their ghostly activity.

Fort Reno Cemetery

Fort Reno Cemetery, located near El Reno, is yet another haunting location in Oklahoma. The cemetery, which originated as a former military camp in 1874, has a rich history that includes battles, captives, and soldiers. Visitors have reported hearing phantom noises from troops and seeing individuals dressed in military costumes.

Enid Cemetery

The Haunted Tales tour takes place at Enid Cemetery, which is famous for its spirits wandering the grounds and terrifying tourists after dark.

Blanchard Cemetery

Blanchard Cemetery is believed to be haunted by a young guy. Visitors report seeing a towering person in black, with no logical explanation for the shadow. Reports also mention unexpected dimming of bright lights.


Oklahoma’s disturbing mystery emerges at Jesse Creek Cemetery, a terrifying location in Bartlesville. The cemetery’s ghostly past includes unexplained camera failures and weird sounds, which contribute to its ominous reputation. However, Jesse Creek is not alone; Oklahoma has other haunted cemeteries, such as Fort Reno and Enid.

Ghost stories and odd happenings continue to be reported, confirming the ethereal nature of these burial places. Prepare for the unknown as Oklahoma’s haunting cemeteries create a tapestry of paranormal intrigue, where history and the supernatural collide in disturbing harmony.

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