The Most Dangerous City in Vermont to Live in is This One


Though the Green Mountain State is well known for its stunning scenery, delicious maple syrup, and cozy ski resorts, not every area in the state feels as secure and peaceful as others. According to the most recent FBI crime statistics, Rutland is the most dangerous city in Vermont to live in.

The Crime Statistics of Rutland

With almost 15,000 residents, Rutland is the third-biggest city in Vermont. Located close to the border with New York in the south-central region, Rutland has a long history as a center for granite and marble manufacture, and its historic downtown district has been recognized as a National Register of Historic Places.

Still, Rutland finds itself in a serious criminal situation. Rutland has Vermont’s highest violent crime rate and second-worst property crime rate, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report for 2023. In particular, the rate of violent crime was 473.4 per 100,000 people, which was significantly higher than the state average of 50 per 100,000 people. With a property crime rate of 3,539.2 per 100,000 residents as opposed to the state average of 1,764 per 100,000, it again stood out as being far higher than normal.

In Rutland, the most common violent crimes are rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, while the most common property crimes are auto theft, burglary, and larceny theft. Rutland recorded 5,309 property crimes and 711 violent crimes in 2023.

Crime Causes and Effects in Rutland

Rutland’s alarmingly high crime rates could be caused by a number of variables, but a specific cause is still unknown. Among the possible donors are:

  • Poverty: Rutland has a poverty rate of 17.9%, which is higher than the average for the state (10.2%) and the country (13.4%). Poverty frequently breeds hopelessness, annoyance, and despair, which might encourage criminal activity.
  • Drug Epidemic: Opioids, such as heroin and fentanyl, have been the main source of the long-lasting drug issue in Rutland. Drug trafficking can make violence and corruption in the city worse, and drug addiction can drive people to commit crimes in order to support their habits or get through withdrawal symptoms.
  • Resource Deficit: Rutland’s manpower and money are constrained when it comes to tackling its criminal issues. Aside from having less police officers than the national average of 2.4 cops per 1,000 residents—which stands at 37—the city also faces a shortage of social services, mental health services, and rehabilitation programs.

The high crime rate in Rutland has negative effects on the city and its citizens, such as:

  • Fear: A common concern among Rutland residents is the possibility of becoming a victim of crime or seeing criminal activity taking place in their community. Their social contacts, mental health, and overall quality of life may all be negatively impacted by this anxiety.
  • Loss: Crime causes losses in many areas, including health, loved ones, and material and financial goods. Such losses may cause bodily harm, financial difficulties, and psychological distress.
  • Stigma: Because of Rutland’s image as a dangerous place, its citizens may experience stigma, prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion from other communities or employers. These elements have the power to destroy relationships, opportunities, and self-worth.

The Crime Solutions of Rutland

While there isn’t a simple answer to Rutland’s crime problem, there are a few possible approaches that could be taken:

  1. Prevention: Rutland can allocate funds to initiatives that address the underlying causes of crime, such as drug abuse, poverty, and a lack of resources. These programs could include counseling, housing, work, education, and health care for families and people who are at risk.
  2. Enforcement: Increasing the capacity and efficacy of the city’s law enforcement system through increased police hiring, better interagency coordination, better training, and better equipment can deter criminal activity while simultaneously increasing victim protection.
  3. Intervention: Another possible approach is to implement more intervention programs designed to help criminals change their ways and reintegrate into society. Community service for low-level or nonviolent offenders, mental health support, drug rehabilitation, and restorative justice may all be included in these programs.

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In Summary

According to the most recent FBI crime data, Rutland, a city rich in culture and history, also has a serious crime problem. However, Rutland does not have to stay engulfed in crime forever. Through collaboration between the city administration, law enforcement, community members, and other relevant parties, Rutland may overcome its obstacles and transform into a more secure and promising place for all of its residents.

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