The 8 Commonly Committed Illegal Acts That Many Have Unknowingly Engaged In

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent. 

However, it is unexpected to find that there are so many illegal actions that even the most responsible individuals partake in on a daily basis, often without facing penalties. 

These actions, although seemingly minor, often happen out of habit or ignorance of their legal implications. Learn 8 unusual activities that are toward the law and that you’ve probably unknowingly engaged in at least once in your lifetime.

Everyday Activities That Unwittingly Break the Law

1. Making Use of Free Wi-Fi

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

In your haste to get connected to the internet, you join the first available network you see. The practice, known as “piggybacking,” is illegal in a majority of states and carries substantial penalties, including fines and, in severe instances, jail time. 

Take Sparta, Michigan, for instance. A man was hauled in after cops found him using a café’s WiFi to check his email from his car. He ended up getting a fine of $400 and did 40 hours of community service.

2. Singing the Birthday Song

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

Guinness World Records claims that “Happy Birthday to You” is the most famous song in the English language. However, you couldn’t legally sing it (or even record it). 

Before a judgement two years ago declared the song to be in the public domain, its authors, Mildred and Patty Hill, had copyrighted it and used it in prosecutions.

3. Using a Fake Name Online

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

When you’re trying to buy anything online and they ask you to “register” or when you’re joining up for something you might be ashamed of, you might have used a generic name to hide your identity. 

A Rhode Island prison guard was tried in 2010 for making a false Facebook account for his supervisor; this was done in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

4. Music Downloads

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

Even while album downloads aren’t as common now thanks to streaming services, we’ve all been through the Napster time where we hunted for rare songs and vintage albums. 

Don’t let Metallica discover that you still have an illicit library stashed away on your computer.

5. Minor Usage

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

Oh my god…Of course! Who among us hasn’t? Everyone has their own reasons for not drinking, whether it’s moral, religious, or health-related. However, I doubt you’ll find many people who have abstained from alcohol only out of respect for the law.

6. Eating Food before Purchase

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

You have something to quench your hunger and are about to make a purchase. You won’t wait to load your cart with everything you need before cracking open it and enjoying it while you buy. Expect few problems as long as you pay at the register.

6. The Art of Movie and TV Show Downloading

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

I bet you’ve done this one not long ago. Anyone has legally obtained a movie or program, whether it’s attempting to get the newest episode of Game of Thrones without paying for an HBO Now membership or finding an obscure film that isn’t available on streaming sites.

8. Medications Being Shared

Engaging in activities that are against the law is something that the majority of individuals make a conscious effort to prevent.

You were right about the old Vicodin prescription you received for your foot surgery coming in helpful eventually. 

Your visiting pal ended up throwing out his back and couldn’t go to the doctor till he returned home. You were still in violation of the law even though it made the return flight much more bearable for him.

People often want to stay out of trouble with the law when it comes to matters of morals. Despite their best intentions, many law-abiding citizens inadvertently violate various statutes and ordinances.

Most of the time, people do these illegal things because they are just habitual or don’t realize there are consequences.

By looking at eight examples, we can see how common these sins are and how people could engage in them without realizing it. From using public Wi-Fi, or “piggybacking,” to performing the famous song “Happy Birthday to You,” every activity has its own legal implications.

A case out of Sparta, Michigan, shows how piggybacking may lead to serious legal penalties such as a heavy fine and community service. 

Only just recently, as a result of changes to copyright regulations, was it lawful to sing the birthday song.

Common yet legally dubious practices include using false identities online, downloading music, drinking alcohol under the age of 18, pre-purchasing things in shops, illegally downloading movies and TV shows, and sharing prescription drugs. 

These apparently little things show how complicated it is to stay within the law and how important it is to be aware of one’s surroundings so as not to unintentionally break the law.

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