Secretary Hobbs Delivers Keynote Address to Washington Residents on 2024 Presidential Primary Ballot Regulations


Steve Hobbs, who is the secretary of state for Washington, has said something about the 2024 Presidential Primary. As the head of elections, Hobbs is committed to following state and federal rules and making sure that the state’s elections are fair. The state law spells out how the Presidential Primary will work on March 12, 2024.

By January 9, the law says that the major political groups have to send in the names of their candidates for the Presidential Primary ballot. These lists can’t be changed after they’ve been sent in. The law also lets people question a candidate’s spot on the ballot in court after they have filed their name.

Hobbs and his team are paying close attention to the legal problems that surround Donald Trump’s right to run for office. Hobbs, on the other hand, said that court decisions from other states don’t apply in Washington.

Washington state law says that the Secretary of State’s office and county voting offices must get ready for the March 12 Presidential Primary. The office of the Secretary of State runs the state’s elections, makes sure that businesses and charities are registered, and sets rules for how the state flag and seal can be used.

The office is also in charge of the State Archives and the State Library. It keeps records of important events in Washington’s past, makes sure that state employees give to charity, and runs a program to keep crime survivors’ addresses safe.

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