Pennsylvania Pay the Most for Groceries Per Week Than Any Other State, Why It Costs So Much and How to Save


Pennsylvania has become known for its rich history, diversified culture, and beautiful scenery. However, it is also the state with the highest weekly grocery spending, according to a recent Census Bureau research.

The survey, which used data obtained in October 2023, discovered that the average Pennsylvania family spent $401.02 per week on groceries, $130.81 more than the national average of $270.21. The report also found that Pennsylvania households spent $109.21 per week on meals out, which was somewhat less than the national average of $113.71.

Why Are Groceries Cost So Much in Pennsylvania?

The high cost of food in Pennsylvania is caused by several things, including

Taxes: At 6%, Pennsylvania has one of the highest sales tax rates in the country. Food and drinks are also subject to a 2% city sales tax. Also, Pennsylvania is one of only a few states that taxes candy, soft drinks, and ready-to-eat foods at the full sales tax rate. Most states either don’t tax these things at all or tax them at a smaller rate.

Transportation: Pennsylvania is a big state with lots of different landscapes, including cities, farms, and mountains. This means that getting food from fields to markets can be expensive and take a long time, especially when the roads are snowy or icy in the winter. It also costs a lot to drive to and from the food store because gas prices in Pennsylvania are some of the highest in the country.

Pennsylvania is home to more than 12.9 million people, making it the fifth most populous state in the country. This means that a lot of people want food, especially in big towns like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia where the cost of living is higher than the rest of the state.

Also, Pennsylvania has a diverse and international population, which means that people want a wide range of foods and cuisines. Some may be more expensive or harder to find than others.

How Can Pennsylvanians Save on Groceries?

While the price of groceries in Pennsylvania may be intimidating, there are several methods for Pennsylvanians to save money on their food expenditures, such as:

Planning: By establishing a list of what they need and adhering to it, Pennsylvanians may reduce impulsive purchases and food waste. They may also schedule their meals based on what is on sale or in season, and take advantage of coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs to save money.

Shopping around: By comparing pricing and quality at other stores, Pennsylvanians may get the greatest deal for their money. They can also buy at farmers’ markets, ethnic markets, or internet marketplaces to discover fresher, cheaper, or more diversified food selections.

Cooking at home: By making their meals, Pennsylvanians may save money on eating out, which is typically more expensive and less nutritious than home-cooked food. They can also prepare in large quantities and store or refrigerate leftovers, or utilize them to create new meals.


In the end, Pennsylvania’s reputation for rich history and cultural variety is matched by the challenge of being the state with the highest weekly grocery spending, owing to variables such as high taxes, transportation expenses, and a varied population. Despite these obstacles, Pennsylvanians may use budget-friendly tactics like careful planning, shopping around for the greatest discounts, and enjoying home-cooked meals to manage and reduce the impact of rising food costs.

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