NYC Mother’s Brave Rescue of Daughter From Kidnapper


Around 9 a.m. on January 23, the 18-year-old was walking her dog back home when the accident happened. Someone in Queens, New York, fought off a man who was allegedly trying to take her daughter. When the 18-year-old brought her dog into their apartment building around 9 a.m. on January 23, the incident took place.

The woman was hurt when a 25-year-old guy grabbed her from behind, dragged her, threw her down the stairs, and punched her several times in the face. In a statement that PEOPLE got, the New York Police Department gave this information. “The person who was upset started yelling for help, and a woman 35 years old came to assist her.”

He took pepper spray out of his pocket and shot it in her face, which hurt her. “Then he hit her in the face several times and pushed her down the stairs.” He kept kicking her in the back, which hurt, bruised, and threw her shoulder out of place. Officials said that someone who saw the attack and was kind “caught the suspect as he tried to run away from the scene.”

The police named the suspect as George Vassiliou. He was arrested and charged with several crimes, such as assault, criminal possession of a weapon, breaching a restraining order, and harassment.
When someone tried to hurt her daughter Lex, Adriana Alvarez told The New York Post about how she protected her. The parent told the news source, “I have never heard my daughter scream like that.”

“When I went outside, I saw my daughter being pulled away. I thought the dog might have gone downstairs.” Alvarez and Lex were able to get away and went outside to call for help. Vassiliou was held down by a neighbor until the cops arrived.

A source from the NYPD says that Vassiliou rented a car the night before the January kidnapping attempt. He left the car in front of the building where Lex and Alvarez work. They say they found sleeping pills, melatonin, tampons, and a bag with rope inside the car.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help raise money to pay for Alvarez’s hospital bills, rent, and home bills while she heals. According to the person who organized the page, Alvarez has a broken facial bone, a broken elbow, and a broken shoulder. “These are the bandages she wears with pride to protect her cub,” they said.

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