Nestor Apartment Fire Causes 5 Adults and 7 Children to Die Before Christmas


Police stated that just before Christmas, five adults and seven children were displaced from an apartment complex in the Nestor neighborhood of San Diego due to a fire that broke out on Sunday morning.

At approximately 6:00 a.m., a firefighting operation was initiated in the 2000 block of Ilex Avenue by the Chula Vista Fire Department and the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, involving over twenty firefighters.

Even though the fire originated on the second floor, the firefighters managed to contain it. Destroying the residence was the result.

While the adjacent apartments experienced minor damage in the form of minor burns caused by the fumes and flames, the absence of gas and electricity rendered them unfit for habitation.

“We are unable to remain in the apartment for a week,” said Ricardo Galvan, a resident who resides directly opposite the location where the fire originated.

The aroma of dense smoke and the sound of screaming awoke Galvan and his spouse.

“I have just observed a substantial amount of smoke emanating from my apartment, as well as fire personnel approaching me via window and door,” I observed the fire department upon opening the door. “We were instructed, ‘You must evacuate,'” Galvan reported.

His wife was taken to the hospital because she had breathed in smoke. People think she’ll be fine.

A dog and a cat were found dead in the flat.

According to NBC the man who was living in the flat where the fire began. He didn’t want to give his name or talk on video. He told her that he was taking care of the apartment while his daughter and grandkids were on holiday. After a 10-minute trip to the store, he said he came back to the sound of glass breaking and saw flames and smoke.

“There was a lot of smoke and it looked very hot.” “Thank goodness we live a few apartments down. We’re safe and will be fine this Christmas,” Adam Verska said. That’s what he recorded on his cell phone.

The Red Cross is helping people who had to move. The official reason for the fire is still being looked into.

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