Michelle Obama: ‘I am afraid about what could possibly happen’ in 2024 election


Michelle Obama says she can’t sleep because she’s worried about the 2024 presidential election.

“I am terrified about what could possibly happen,” Obama said of this year’s presidential race in an interview with Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast, which was released on Monday.

“Because our leaders are important.” “Who we choose, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit — it affects us in ways that I think people sometimes take for granted,” the former first lady remarked when asked to describe some of the things that keep her awake at night.

“Does the fact that people believe the government does anything? And I’m thinking to myself, ‘Oh my God, does the government do everything for us?’ And we must not take democracy for granted. And I worry that we will,” Obama, 59, remarked.

“Those are the things that keep me going,” she added, adding that she is also concerned about wars “in too many regions,” the future of artificial intelligence, education, if the public is “too attached” to their phones, and voter engagement.

Shetty questioned the former first lady about the statement she memorably used at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, “When they go low, we go high,” and how it has developed.

“If anything, what does still offend you?” The life coach and podcast host inquired.

“Injustice, ego, and greed,” Obama said. “Racism and ignorance are both offensive.” And I was always that child. I dislike injustice; I despise bullies. But I need to consider how I distribute messages.”

“Still, even in my pain and my anger and my disappointment,” she went on to say.

Her remarks come amid reports that former President Obama is concerned about the threat that former President Trump poses if he returns to the White House. Trump appears to be on track to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.

Michelle Obama appeared to attack Trump without naming him.

“The tone and tenor of the message are important. “We can’t just say whatever comes to mind,” the author of “Becoming” explained.

“That does not strike me as genuine. That’s juvenile, and we see it all the time — what it looks like and how it feels, when someone is really low, nasty, and cynical in a leadership position,” she said Shetty.

“It doesn’t spread very well.” “That just breeds more of the same,” Obama explained.

“I think we are obligated to model, for those of us that have a platform, because it resonates,” she said.

“And I want to have a good resonance.” “I want to communicate logic, compassion, and empathy.”

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