Kansas City Has Been Named The Most Dangerous Place To Live


Kansas has a rich history of agriculture and industry, beautiful scenery, and kind residents. Still, not every city in the state provides a peaceful and safe atmosphere. Some have high rates of violence and crime, which makes citizens feel less safe there. According to the most recent FBI data, Wichita, the state’s largest city, stands out as very dangerous. In this blog, we investigate the main causes of Wichita’s crime problems and the reasons it is regarded as the most dangerous city in Kansas.

The Situation of Crime in Wichita

With a population of over 390,000, Wichita tops the list of most hazardous cities in Kansas, with 6,439 crimes committed against every 100,000 residents. This number is over twice as high as the 2,982 per 100,000 population state average. Notably, among American cities with a population of more than 100,000, Wichita comes in at number sixteen on the list of the most hazardous cities in the country.

When the numbers are broken down, Wichita’s crime rate includes both property and violent offenses. At 1,179 per 100,000 residents, the city’s violent crime rate is more than four times higher than the state average of 273 per 100,000 residents. In a similar vein, Wichita’s property crime rate—5,260 per 100,000 residents—is over twice as high as the average for the state, which is 2,709 per 100,000 residents.

The information emphasizes Wichita’s reputation as a city where citizens run a significant danger of being victims of crime. In particular, the probabilities show that people of Wichita have a 1 in 16 probability of experiencing property crime and a 1 in 85 risk of encountering violent crime. Compared to the state and national averages, these probabilities are significantly greater.

Deciphering the Crime Dynamics of Wichita

A city’s crime rate is influenced by a number of interrelated factors, including environmental, social, demographic, and economic aspects. Wichita’s problems with crime are caused by:


With a poverty rate of 15.9%, Wichita is higher above both the state and national norms, which are 11.4% and 10.5%, respectively. High levels of poverty can breed dissatisfaction, pessimism, and desperation, which can lead to an increase in crime and violence.


Wichita’s unemployment rate of 7.7% is more than both the state’s (5.7%) and the country’s (6.0%) norms. Because unemployment reduces money and opportunity, it increases the pressures and incentives that lead to criminal activity.


Compared to the state and national norms of 33.4% and 32.6%, respectively, Wichita residents possess a bachelor’s degree or above, indicating lower levels of educational achievement. A college education gives people the ideals and abilities that can discourage them from committing crimes.


Wichita is plagued by a serious drug problem, mostly including heroin, fentanyl, and methamphetamine. These chemicals are linked to behavioral, mental, and physical issues. They are also renowned for being dangerous and addictive. Additionally, they support the illicit drug trade, which breeds corruption and bloodshed.


More than fifty gangs that participate in crimes like drug trafficking, robberies, extortion, and murder are active in the city. Gang rivalries and disputes turn into gunshots and killings, making Wichita’s criminal scene more intense.

Mapping the Future of Crime in Wichita

A coordinated effort involving law enforcement, the government, neighborhoods, and civil society is required to address Wichita’s crime problems. Among the possible tactics are:

Increasing the Presence of the Police:

Deterrence, detection, and prosecution of criminal activity can be strengthened by augmenting police resources, enhancing officer training, and guaranteeing accountability. It is essential that the public and police learn to trust one another.

Putting Money Into Services and Development

Investments in the economy and society, such as those in housing, counseling, healthcare, education, and employment, can improve living conditions for locals and deal with the root causes of crime.

Putting Prevention Programs in Place

Programs like after-school activities, tutoring, and mentorship give young people positive options and lower their risk of getting involved in criminal activity.

Promoting Involvement in the Community

Promoting neighborhood watch programs, crime stoppers, and mediation programs increases the engagement of locals in preventing crimes and resolving conflicts.

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In Summary

Even though Wichita is the most dangerous city in Kansas, it has the capacity to overcome its problems with crime. Wichita may develop into a safer and livelier community for its citizens and visitors by putting into practice practical, long-lasting solutions engaging a variety of stakeholders.

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