Insurance Agencies Advocate Swift Coverage After El Paso’s Severe Wind Damage


After Thursday’s high winds ripped the roof off an apartment complex in Northeast El Paso, dozens of people are being forced to rebuild.

Residents of Joshua’s Court Apartments were displaced as a consequence, as ABC-7 previously reported.

The complex may be found on Edgar Park Avenue.

ABC-7 crews came immediately after first responders on Thursday and returned on Friday to chat with locals.

“I was in my room when I heard some noise outside… When I peered out my bedroom window, I noticed strange objects flying about. “And I came out here and I saw a bunch of people, and I looked, and there’s the roof right there,” renter Doug Jacobs remembered Thursday.

According to Jacobs, the roof had fallen off and was in parts against the building’s side as well as throughout the land.

Several automobiles were seriously damaged as a result of the flying debris. Among other things, at least two had caved-in roofs and destroyed back windshields.

“We recently purchased a vehicle, and a piece of wood dented the front and back of it.” But it’s still… okay. But… I feel bad for the folks who are here because their vehicle is totaled,” said Tony Tate, another resident, referring to numerous automobiles parked at the complex’s entrance.

The Red Cross claimed no one was wounded, but they are aiding at least 23 people who have been displaced as a result of the damage.

“We will help provide financial assistance to these families, as well as ensure that they have a place to stay overnight and that they have access to any type of immediate needs, such as clothing, food, and so on,” said Anna Apodaca, Executive Director of the Red Cross’ West Texas Chapter.

However, according to an insurance broker from Advantage Insurance Agency, not having an insurance plan might put you in danger.

“People that don’t have coverage, then they’re at the mercy of the Red Cross or neighbors that will take them in,” said Ernesto Gonzalez of the Red Cross. “Under your tenant policy, you would have coverage, number one, for… any damage to your furniture.” Second, you’d have what’s known as loss of use coverage. That is, the policy would pay for you to rent another apartment while the one you were renting was being rebuilt or… patched up.”

Gonzalez stated that some renter insurance costs roughly $15 per month.

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