Here Are Seven Reasons Why People Regret Their Move to Colorado


Plan on moving to Colorado? Even though the state has beautiful scenery and a lively way of life, it’s important to think about the worries that might come with moving there. Life in the Centennial State isn’t always easy.

The weather is uncertain, and there are big differences in income. Join us as we talk about seven reasons why people might regret moving to Colorado. This will help you see both its pros and cons.

Knowing these things will help you make an informed decision about your plans in this beautiful area, whether you’re drawn to the majestic mountains or the busy cities.

Seven Reasons Why People Wish They Hadn’t Moved to Colorado

Lots of the things listed above play a part in why some people feel bad they moved to Colorado. However, other things about life in Colorado also show up as factors.

People often question their choice to settle down in Colorado instead of a more famous state like Texas or California or a desirable area like the East Coast or Mid-Atlantic. Here are seven specific reasons why people do this.

1. Rising Crime Rates

Even while many places in Colorado are quite safe, rising crime rates are adding to the migration. Colorado, which has one of the country’s highest crime rates, is fourth in the nation for combined property and violent crime rates, up from 31st in 2012, according to FBI data. Furthermore, the number of homeless persons in Colorado is increasing, which is cause for concern.

As people determine where they want to live and raise their families, Colorado is becoming less popular since it is viewed as more unsafe. Many people who value safety and security opt to migrate to places with lower crime rates.

As many pleased Coloradans will attest, the Centennial State has numerous distinctive attractions. However, just because it is one of the most popular regions in the country does not imply that it is a good fit for everyone. If you’re thinking about moving to a new location and Colorado is on your list, this guide might help you decide if it’s the best fit for you.

2. Politics

When deciding where to reside, “fit” considers a variety of factors, including politics. For example, conservatives may find it difficult to live in a “blue” state. In contrast, if your politics are more liberal, you may find it difficult to communicate with your neighbors and connect with your community in a “red” state.

Political dynamics matter wherever you live, but they are especially important in Colorado, where a transition in dominant political views is taking place. Republicans, always a bastion, have seen their numbers fall in recent years. Today, they make up only 25% of the state’s registered voters.

In addition to splitting the population, this transformation has caused some people to become dissatisfied with the local political climate, driving them to seek out states that are more aligned with their values.

3. Pollution & Air Quality

Colorado has long been a refuge for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. However, the stunning scenery that once drew tourists to Colorado is now overshadowed by environmental concerns.

As Colorado’s population has grown, so have concerns about pollution from a variety of sources, including ozone pollution from emissions, climate change, toxic pollutants from industrial facilities, the unavoidability of air pollution (both indoors and outdoors), and the state’s unique air pollution-trapping topography.

While cities, in particular, are dealing with air quality challenges, the entire state is affected. U.S. News & World Report recently ranked Colorado 46th among 50 states in terms of urban air quality. Individuals who prefer cleaner and healthier ecosystems are fleeing Colorado to seek refuge in states with stricter environmental rules.

4. Harsh Weather and Dry Climate

Colorado, which ranks in the top ten of the country’s sunniest states, is well-known for its mild and pleasant weather. However, this does not make it immune to inclement weather.

Colorado boasts many climates and a wide diversity of meteorological events. While summer, spring, and fall provide beautiful weather, winter’s extreme cold and heavy snow may be brutal—especially as you travel further up into the mountains.

If you prefer cold weather and outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and snowboarding, winter in Colorado may be for you. However, this isn’t true for everyone. After surviving the cold weather, some people begin to regret moving to Colorado and leave for warmer climates.

Another concern with Colorado’s weather is its aridity. Regardless of the season, low humidity will have an impact on your skin—and lotion, Chapstick, and tenacious hydration attempts can only go so far. Speaking about dry weather, it doesn’t just result in dry skin. It also puts Colorado prone to severe droughts and wildfires, both of which can be distressing for homeowners. Furthermore, dealing with water constraints can be difficult.

As a result, while overcast days in Colorado are rare, some inhabitants may decide they’d rather live in a more regular environment than in unpredictable Colorado.

5. A Tight Job Market

While industry is expanding in Colorado, the state’s growing population of highly educated inhabitants has resulted in an unexpectedly tight labor market, particularly for those without postgraduate degrees. As new jobs are created, competition from newcomers to the state intensifies.

What was the result? Even in a state famed for its abundance of job opportunities, many people find it unexpectedly difficult to find work. Given these issues, it’s not a surprise that many residents are looking elsewhere. Furthermore, many people who migrate to Colorado because they believe there will be plenty of career prospects often regret their decision.

6. Overcrowding

Just because many Colorado citizens are leaving the state does not mean that new ones are not coming. The population has doubled since the 1980s, with many people relocating to Colorado. While the flood of people may attest to the state’s desirability, it is not without its challenges. This is best demonstrated by a survey of Colorado voters, which found that 75 percent of people believe that rapid growth harms the state.

In addition to depleting and detracting from the state’s once-pristine landscapes, Colorado’s expanding population has resulted in frightening overpopulation, with people clogging everything from trails to campgrounds.

Overcrowding also causes traffic congestion. In addition to traffic jams during daily rush hour, getting to and from the mountains and other attractions might take hours in a single day—especially when dangerous drivers are involved on winter routes. For these and other reasons, Colorado has earned the title of one of the 10 worst states to drive in.

What’s the takeaway? While people have traditionally been drawn to Colorado for its peaceful natural landscapes, increased traffic detracts from its allure. As a result, many people are shifting to states with lower population density and the associated benefits.

7. High cost of living

Colorado has consistently been among the top states in terms of economic growth over the last decade. However, 2023 saw a downturn, which is likely to continue in 2024.

At the same time, Colorado’s cost of living is staggeringly high, 12 percent higher than the national average. This makes it an extremely expensive area to live in comparison to other regions, especially when inflation is factored into daily and monthly expenses ranging from food to healthcare.

Increased demand for housing, transportation, and services is a major factor contributing to Colorado’s high cost of living. Its competitive housing/rental market is particularly hard. Not only is housing the largest monthly expense for many people, but rental prices, real estate prices, and property values rise year after year, driving out both renters and prospective homeowners.

Many residents have grown dissatisfied with Colorado because they can’t afford a reasonable quality of life. This prompts people to look for more economical living circumstances in other states.

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In conclusion, while Colorado’s breathtaking beauty and vibrant lifestyle entice many, potential regrets lurk beneath the surface. Understanding these concerns, which range from increased crime rates to a competitive employment market and a high cost of living, is critical for people considering relocating to Colorado.

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