Fugitive Thief Suspected of Killing Girlfriend in Mexico Caught in California After Four Years


Tyler Adams, a 51-year-old fugitive thief who was known for being able to hide himself, was caught in California after dodging police for four years.

Adams is the main suspect in the death of his girlfriend Racquel Sabean in Mexico. He has been on the run since he escaped state prison in Hawaii in 2019.

His capture is a major development in the investigation into Sabean’s death. His body was found in Tijuana in a cooler in the trunk of a car.

Adams had gotten away from the police by using many fake names. He was the father of a seven-month-old girl with Sabean. He was last seen coming into the U.S. under the name “Aaron Bain,” not long after Mexican police questioned him about Sabean’s disappearance.

Although Adams wore many disguises, he is now going to be sent back to Hawaii to face charges linked to his escape from the O’ahu Community Correctional Center in 2019.

David Sabean, Sabean’s father, has strong doubts that Adams had something to do with his daughter’s death. After being with Racquel for two years, David Sabean said there were a few things about Adams’s behavior that raised red flags.

The FBI has been trying to talk to Adams about the case, but they haven’t charged him with Sabean’s death yet. Adams’s arrest could start a new part of this complicated and long-running probe.

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