Former President Trump Faces New Challenges in Michigan: Latest Legal Troubles Unfold


The Detroit News has a recording of a call that former President Donald Trump made to two officials from Michigan counties in 2020. During the call, Trump told them not to recognize the results of the election in Detroit. This is yet another important example of how Donald Trump tried to rig the 2020 election, a campaign that ended with a rebellion and march on the capital.

This call had already been reported by other news sites. Election experts and Michigan Democrats were against it because they saw it as an unprecedented attempt by a president who was already in office to influence local officials in an election. News from the Detroit News says that details of what Trump said on the call are now becoming public for the first time.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was on the call and told the officials not to confirm the results, saying, “Do not sign it.” We’ll get you lawyers.” He also said, “We’ll take care of that.”

After the call, Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, two GOP members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, tried to take back their votes to confirm the findings. However, their efforts were in vain because the Michigan state canvassing board finally certified the results, even though Trump and other Republicans put pressure on them in public.

In reaction to the recording, McDaniel kept telling lies about the election and stressed that there was plenty of evidence that called for an audit of the election, but it was never shown, as she said in her previous letter.

The Detroit News says that Trump said on the call that Republicans had been “cheated on this election” and that “everybody knows Detroit is crooked as hell.” This could have been a racist rage. He questioned the validity of the election certificate and said there were more votes than people, which was similar to his false claim that a lot of dead people had voted in Michigan.

Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, supported the former president’s actions by saying that they were part of his job as President of the United States to make sure the 2020 Presidential Election was fair and to look into claims of fraud. As of now, there have been no cases of election fraud like Trump and many of his fans say there are. However, there is a lot of proof that Trump and his supporters messed with the elections.

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